Cassis (Ruki x Reader)

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H/N = his name.
E/C = eye color.

You were standing in front of a the big window in your apartment. You held the blue, flowery, curtain as you watched the rain pour down in the night. The water was pouring down quickly and small puddles were forming on the ground. You jumped a bit as you heard the sound of thunder roar through the sky and a flash of light follow right after. "I really hope this storm goes away soon or at least won't be loud enough to awaken the baby." You said as you let go of the curtain. You then walked on back to sit by your husband, Ruki, who was waiting for you on the black leather couch to come sit down with him. " I'm sure the storm will diminish before you know it." He responded back to you. He had put in a movie for you guys to watch while you were looking through the window. You reached the couch and cuddled up next to him. He wrapped his arms around you and kissed the top of your head. He then grabbed the black remote and pressed play. Both of you looked back at the screen as the film began. 20 minutes into the film the sky cried another roar. This time it was louder than any of the ones prior. After the thunder had silenced, you heard your son crying from the upstairs bedroom . "I'll go get him." You said as you got up from the couch and headed towards the stairs. "Hurry back." You heard Ruki call out behind. You then reached your son's nursery and opened the door. You quickly walked towards his white painted crib and picked him up gently. "Shhh shh shh Don't cry h/n. It's okay" You tried rocking him to sleep only to hear his cries getting louder and louder. Pacing around the room, you began to run out of ideas to comfort him. You then thought about a tactic you never tried. You decided to sing him to sleep. You thought about which song to sing and ended up choosing "Cassis". Since it was a beautiful ballad that was written by none other than your husband, you felt it was just right. You began singing the lyrics as you slowly rocked him.

" aaa...zutto kurikaeshiteta zutto kanashimasete bakari datta

kitto anata sae mo kizutsukete boku wa ugokenu mama

anata ni fureru koto ga naze konna ni kurushii no desu ka?

kitto onaji koto wo kurikaeshi anata wo ushinatte shimau no ga kowakatta kara "

Your son was now starting to quiet down a bit.

Ruki's POV

I was waiting for y/n downstairs. The living room was quiet since I had paused the movie when y/n had left to care for h/n. I then looked at my watch only to see that y/n had been gone for a bit longer then expected. I got up and decided to head to the nursery as well. I headed towards the stairs and began making my way on them. As I began to get closer, I could hear Y/n's beautiful voice in the hall singing a rather familiar tune.

Once I reached the door way, I stood there listening to her as I smiled to myself. Her beautiful voice filled the silent dimly lit room. I took in the scenery as I watched both my son and wife. Feeling a complete overwhelm of happiness.

"yorisou koto de nuguou to shita wasurekirenakatta hi wo

anata wa nani mo kikazu ni kono te wo nigitte kureta ne

ashita anata no kimochi ga hanarete mo kitto kawarazu aishiteiru "

I began to walk towards her and decided to join her. I then began to sing:

"ashita anata ni boku ga mienakute mo kitto kawarazu aishiteiru."

I walked up behind her as she turned around to face me. I then wrapped my arms around her and my son, as I rested my chin on her shoulder.

Third Person POV.

As you were singing your son to sleep, you heard Ruki behind singing along with you. You turned around to face him, only to see a smile planted on his face as he sang. You felt his arms wrap around behind you as he rested his chin on his shoulder. You looked back at him and then back at your son. "I think he's fully asleep now y/n" You heard Ruki say from behind you. You realized he was right, the baby was sound asleep with a small smile formed on his face. You then slowly and gently put him back on his crib. "You have such a soothing and beautiful voice, Y/n." You heard Ruki say a bit loud. "shh you're going to wake him up!" You said in a whispered voice. " oh, right. Sorry." you giggled silently as you and your husband slowly exited the room. You shut the door behind you quiet and slow and faced Ruki. "Thanks honey, but your honestly so much better at it than me." You said as looked down. You felt Ruki's fingers slightly touch your chin and lift your head up. " Babe, you sang that song so beautifully! I couldn't have done that better myself. You are truly amazing! You're equally as good, if not, better!" You began to feel the heat take over your cheeks as they turned to dark shades of red. "You really mean that?" You asked him shyly. "With all my heart." He smiled at you and slowly leaned in close to you. He then proceeded to close the space between your lips. You felt the warmth of his soft pink lips on yours and gave in to the kiss. After a bit you both broke it off . He stared into your e/c orbs and you stared into his. " I love you, y/n." " I love you too." " How about we head back to living room so we can finish the movie?" He suggested "Yea, let's go. H/n should be fine for the rest of the night." He grabbed your hand and entangled it with his. You both then proceeded towards the stairs and into the living room. The two of you then lied down on the couch, cuddling with each other. Once the movie was over, the storm outside had eased. "It's getting late. Do you want to head upstairs to sleep?" You asked only to hear no response from him. You looked up and saw that your husband was sound asleep. You giggled to yourself as you shook him awake. "Hey babe, wake up! Let's go so you can rest upstairs in the bed. Otherwise your staying down here and sleeping on the couch." He fluttered his eyes open and grumbled. He then got up to stretch as he yawned. "What time is it?" He asked in a sleepy voice. "It's past midnight, we should get going to bed." You then got yourself up from the couch and stretched as well. After that, you grabbed the remote and switched off the tv. You set the remote down on your small glass coffee table and headed towards the light switch. As you switched off the lights, you saw the stairway lights go on and you could tell that Ruki was waiting for you there. You then made your way to the front of the stairs where he was standing. "Would you like for me to carry you up the stairs my love?" He said in a sleepy tone. "As much as I would love that, no thank you. You're half asleep and I don't think it would be safe for either of us." You said as you giggled. "Yea, you're right. I wouldn't want you getting hurt or anything." With that he put his arm around you and the two of you began to make your way up the stairs. Once the two of you were up in the hall, you opened the door that led to the bedroom that the two of you shared. Ruki let go of you and went into the restroom that was connected to the room. You flicked on the switch of the lamp and walked towards your dresser. You pulled one of the drawers out and grabbed your sleeping garments. You walked back to the bed and set down the garments and began to undress. You then grabbed the clothing you had set down and began to put them on. Grabbing your clothing that you had used for the day, you walked to the basket that held all the dirty laundry and threw them in there. You walked back and began taking off the covers from the bed slightly and laid down on your bed. Grabbing the covers, you pulled them back on and put them over yourself. You heard the door knob from the bathroom door turn followed by the sound of the door opening. You heard footsteps make their way to the bed and stop. The blankets were then slightly pulled away from you and the side next you then sank down. Smiling to yourself, you then felt two arms finding themselves around your waist. You felt the small pressure of Ruki's head behind your back. You turned around and faced your husband. His brown eyes looked tired and he had a small smile on him. "Goodnight babe, I love you." "Goodnight, I love you too Ruki." He gave you a small peck in the lips and closed his eyes. After that, he fell asleep peacefully. With that, you turned around and switched the lamp off. You then snuggled up close to Ruki and drifted off to sleep as well.

Okay so this may not be the best but I hope you all enjoyed it! I may post either every Sunday or every other. Depending on my schedule. Don't forget to leave a comment and/or vote. Let me know your thoughts! Thank you for reading! Until next time. If you find any mistakes, do please let me know. Again thank you! :D
-the inside beast

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