Your POV:

The day after my birthday, I wake up to the smell of bacon. I smile at the familiar scent as I sit up from my comfy bed.

'Mom must be cooking breakfast.' My stomach rumbles, yearning for the delicious food as I stand. I quickly dress myself in a pale blue t-shirt with a star made out of royal blue sequins in the center of the chest of it, black shorts, and white socks. After leaving my room, I head to the kitchen, where I find mom cooking bacon, eggs, and bagels with grape jelly. Sitting at the kitchen table is dad, who is sipping at his morning coffee while waiting for his food to be served. Both greet me with a smile when I have a seat at the table to wait for my own breakfast, which I immediately return.

"Did you sleep good, little lady?" Dad asks while ruffling my H/C hair, making me giggle and push at his hands.

"Yep!" A plate of food is set down in front of me before a kiss is placed upon my head. I look up and see it was mom who did it. I smile and dig in immediately, while the woman gives dad his meal before having a seat. Dad was the quickest eater out of all of us, for he had to hurry and get to work. He kisses my forehead before saying goodbye and leaving the house. I finish up next, but before I can leave the room, my mother's voice stops me.

"And, where are you off to in such a hurry?" She asks jokingly. I smile brightly at her, showing my teeth.

"Climbing," I exclaim, excited to climb the cliff in the backyard. It's not that tall, and it has a bunch of dents in it, which makes for an easy ascent. Dad taught me how to scale it safely and had even placed mats at the base of it in case I accidentally slip and fall.

"All right, just be sure to wash your hands when you're done."

"I will." With that, I leave the house through the back, sliding door after shoving on my white and blue sneakers. I'm sure to close the door behind me before gazing up at the steep cliff. Someone had to have been up there yesterday. How else could my plane have returned to me? I want to see if they might still be up there. Chances are, though, they aren't.

Still, I'm curious. I position myself correctly before climbing up with the help of the holes in the sturdy dirt. After reaching the top, I shove aside the bushes and lift myself up. I yelp after tripping over something and fall over onto my stomach. Thankfully, I landed on something soft.

I lift myself up and gasp in surprise after seeing that I've fallen onto a boy that looks only a few years older than me with black and blue hair as well as damaged, pale flesh. The weirdest part, though, is that he has no mouth. Panic fills me when they begin to stir from their slumber, and I scramble to my feet. Mom told me to be careful of strange men, and this one certainly gave off a peculiar aura. Not to mention, his lack of a mouth disturbs me. I was tempted to climb back down, but after hearing an irritated growl, I decide that hiding behind a tree would be faster, so I do just that. I close my eyes and sit behind a thick, tree trunk in a fetal position to hide myself from the male's sight,

silently hoping that he wouldn't notice me.

Mephiles' POV:

Very slowly, I lift my fragile body to sit up and am surprised to find that I feel...better? I look down at myself and see that my bruises have faded and my cuts had sealed nicely without any sign of infection, regardless of how long I spent lying on the ground. Though my body is still sore, it's not as bad as it was when I first came to this world. I run a gloved hand through my greasy, disheveled hair as I scan the area with my emerald orbs. I can sense the presence of another in the vicinity.

I ignore any thoughts of calling them out and instead crawl towards a nearby tree. Something tells me there's something, or someone, behind it. As always, my instincts are correct, and I find a familiar child hiding with her face buried in her arms. I raise a brow at her. Obviously she's frightened, which meant she must've seen me, but what about my current form would frighten away a... I bring my fingers to the space below my nose, where a mouth should be.

'I suppose there is that little detail.' I hum softly, my elbow accidentally touching the girl's leg. A small squeak escapes her, which nearly makes me laugh, as her body tenses. The moment I made contact with her skin, I felt a sudden rush of energy flow through me. The effects were small, but certainly interesting.

Curiously, I remove my tattered glove from my left hand and lightly grip her ankle. I can feel her tremble under my touch. The longer I held onto her, the more powerful the sensation felt. My eyes widen as I witness my bruises and cuts fade even further, and I pull away. I stare back and forth between my hand and the child in both disbelief and amazement.

'This girl has healing powers? They're weak, but still very useful. Perhaps this wasn't such a waste after all.' Mentally grinning, I touch her leg again, gliding upwards against the soft skin until I reach her knee. Soft whimpers fall from her lips, making me chuckle lightly.

"Y/N, come out! We're going to the mall," calls the voice of an older woman. My head lifts, and I reluctantly release the girl to gaze at the female. I recognize her as the child's mother. Sighing softly, I look down at the girl.

'I can't kidnap her. Where would I even take her? I'll just have to try tailing her from now on.'

"You best be on your way," I mutter to her before crawling away and hiding behind another tree. I continue to watch as the girl hesitantly lifts her head before looking back and forth to find me. Cautiously, she goes towards the ledge and looks around a final time before climbing down. She'll likely tell her mother about me, but I'll be gone from this spot if they decide to check. To my surprise, she doesn't utter a word to her mother after grabbing the woman's hand, but she looks back up at the cliff before its out of sight. I can't help but laugh at that.

'It appears I've captured her attention as well.'

"Looks like we're destined to be with one another, eh, Y/N?"

Author's POV:

As the years rolled by, Mephiles had dedicated himself to being the girl's literal shadow. He spent a majority of his first few months on Earth hiding within the female's room until he gained enough energy to sink into Y/N's shadow. From there, he'd follow her everywhere. He knows everything about Y/N: her likes; her dislikes; even her hardships. The villain would take any chance he could get to touch the girl and heal.

Most nights were spent in bed, lying beside the girl with her body trapped in Mephiles' thin arms. Every time there was a nightmare stirring within her brain, the male would soothe her by brushing his fingers through her soft, H/C locks or humming softly. He didn't want her to awaken and find him there, but at some point he came to love the routine. He loved having the girl so close to his side; he loved watching her grow. Letting Y/N go was the hardest decision of his life, and yet he knew he never deserved her. Mephiles is a monster born of shadow, while Y/N lives as a child of light. Though from two worlds, they met by either accident or fate.

This, my readers, is how Mephiles came to love Y/N, and why it felt like he was in Hell after letting her go.

Light of the Dark IIWhere stories live. Discover now