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Olivia's POV

Honestly, I didn't think parties mattered that much around here, especially with everything going on, but I guess I was wrong. Because I'm now sitting on the end of Lydia's bed as she scolds me on what I've chosen to wear.

"I really don't think it matters what I wear" I tell her once she stops talking and she looks at me as if I'm stupid.

"Look at yourself" she exclaims, causing me to roll my eyes. "You can't wear sweatpants and a hoodie to a senior party, Olivia"

"It's not like we're actually going to be partying" I defend my choice of clothing. "We're only going to stop anyone from being killed. Nothing else."

"We don't know what time Patrick will be there and we can't follow him around the whole night. He will eventually see us if we do that. Oh, and-"

"Okay, I get the point" I cut her off from speaking, finally give up. "What do you want me to wear?"

"Yay!" she claps her hands together, a big smile on her face as she walks over to her wardrobe, moving the hangers around as she tries to find a dress for me to wear. I stand up and walk over, standing beside her as she focuses on the rack of dresses. Her gaze flickers down to the shoes at the bottom, reaching her foot inside and kicking out a pair of peach coloured heels.

"Wear these" she tells me as she looks back through the dresses.

"Lydia" I laugh at her choice of shoes for me. "I'm not wearing those."

"Uh, yes you are" she keeps looking through the dresses as I frown at her.

"I'm letting you put a dress on me." I tell her and she stops what she's doing and faces me. "Don't push it with the heels."

"Fine" she turns back around, looking at a few dresses before moving on. "But I'm doing your hair."

"Fine" I tell her, leaning my head against the closet door as she chooses a dress, taking it out and giving it a once over before shoving it into my hands.

"Go try this on" she tells me, making me sigh and slowly walk towards the bathroom. "I've to find a dress for myself"

I go into the bathroom quickly, changing out of my sweatpants and t-shirt and into the dress. I look at myself in the mirror, and I hate to admit it, but it actually looks good on me. The dress is a baby blue colour, the top being lace and the bottom just a plain baby blue colour, the dress stopping at mid thigh.

I pick up the rest of my clothes and walk back into Lydia's room. I leave my clothes beside my bag as Lydia turns around and freezes on the spot.

"What?" I question her, a frown on my face. "Is there something wrong?"

"No, no!" She exclaims, her eyes going wide with a grin on her face. "You look amazing in that dress!"

"Thanks" I smile, unsure of what else to do. "But this is the first and last time I'm wearing a dress"

"I could argue, but not right now" she motions for me to sit down at the dresser as she grabs a hairbrush and walks over to me, taking the knots out of my hair before braiding it.

"Does everyone dress up like this at parties?" I question as I fiddle with the end of the dress.

"Yeah" she replies, running the brush through my hair before swinging some of it over my shoulder. "Most dress to impress"

"And who exactly am I trying to impress?" I frown, looking at her in the mirror in confusion. She doesn't reply though, just hums quietly and continues doing something with my hair as she grins to herself.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2016 ⏰

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