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Olivia's POV

"Come on, come on" I mumble as I pace the room, waiting for Scott to pick up the phone.

"Is he picking up?" Lydia asks from beside me, arms crossed over her chest as she looks behind me.

"Olivia?" Scott's voice rings through the phone before I could reply to Lydia and I sigh in relief.

"Scott, we don't have alot of time" I start and Lydia looks up to meet my gaze. "Lydia seen something, someone to be exact"

"Who was it?"

"Someone named Thomas Miller. She was looking at my brother's ID card and saw some other guy and his name instead"

"And your brother's name isn't Thomas Miller?" He asks and I close my eyes for a moment before replying.

"No, it's Daniel Hayes"

"Oh god" Scott says and I walk over to Lydia's dresser where my shoes sat on the carpet, placing the phone in between my shoulder and ear as I put them on.

"Look, do you know if the station holds records of each person living in Beacon Hills?"

"I'm not sure, but I can call Stiles" he replies and I head towards the door, Lydia following behind as I head down the stairs and to the kitchen.

"Okay" I grab Lydia's car keys off of the counter and quickly throw them at her, her being surprised at first but still catching them easily. "We'll meet you at the station then" I shut the phone off and hand it back to Lydia and we walk out to her car.

"We're meeting them at the station" I tell her and she nods, starting the car and then driving off.


"Okay, so this guy is called Thomas Miller?" Stiles asks as we all walk into the police station, Lydia nodding her head.

"Yeah, I remember a guy with short, brown hair, blue eyes. The card said he was 21" she lists off as much information as she can remember.

"Okay, well I know that the records they keep here were last recorded from 2010" Stiles says as we reach the front desk. "So, unless this guy has lived here since then or even longer, his files won't be here"

"What are you guys doing here?" One of the officers asks as he comes up behind the front desk. "It's pretty late out and you guys have school tomorrow"

I look at his badge and notice it says Deputy Parrish on it, the same guy from earlier on today coming up in my mind.

"We need to see the public files" Scott says and the deputy frowns.

"What's going on?" He asks as Stiles let's himself behind the desk, opening up a filing cabinet filled with envelopes.

"Lydia seen something" Scott answers simply and the deputy looks to Lydia as she gives him a small smile. "A guy named Thomas Miller, and basically you know what happens next"

"Should I call back up?" He asks and turns around to pick up the desk phone.

"No" I quickly say and he stops what he's doing to look up at me.

"It's okay, Olivia" Lydia says and I look over to her. "He knows everything that's going on"

"Seriously?" I frown. "Everyone in this town must know at this stage"

"No" Stiles corrects, standing up with a file in his hand. "Parrish here, is a hellhound"

"Really?" I ask the officer, and he replies with a shrug. "God" I sigh.

The Lone Wolf (TW)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora