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Olivia's POV

I wake up this morning and immediately sit up as my breathing is heavy and my vision meets the alarm clock on the bedside locker, showing the time 7:52am. I place the palm of my hand to my forehead, noticing the large amount of sweat covering my face.

I had the same dream again. Well, more like nightmare, but it was the exact same. I was trapped in the same position, in the same area, and with the same shadow and voice.

I picked up my phone to see a message from Lydia, saying she had already left, and that Stiles had offered to bring me to school.

I decide to get up and head to the bathroom to take a shower, since sweat was practically dripping from my forehead. Once I was finished, I got dressed and got everything ready for school. But I couldn't stop thinking about what happened.

Yeah, everyone has nightmares, but I'm pretty sure it's not normal to have the exact same one from the night before.

But what is normal these days?

I hear a car pull up from outside and I peak through the window to see Stiles' jeep. I slowly make my way down the stairs and outside to his car, probably looking like a zombie.

I feel his gaze on me as I climb in to the passenger seat of his car and stare out of the front window.

"Hey, are you alright?" He asks me, but I don't respond. I hear him sigh and then turn off the engine, making me looking over at him.

"What are you doing?" I look at him like he is stupid. "We're going to be late for school."

"I don't think you really care about that right now" Stiles tells me and I frown. "Something's on your mind and I can see it's bothering you. So, I'm not leaving until you tell me."

I don't know how Stiles could tell there's something wrong because when I look in the mirror, my facial expression just looks like a normal teenager that didn't get enough sleep last night.

"Fine" I sigh, dropping my hand down on my lap. "I had another nightmare last night"

"Wait, what?" Stiles questions, shake his head momentarily.

"Yeah, but it was the exact same one from the night before" I explain. "Nothing was different about it and I woke up with sweat practically pouring off of me."

He looks at me for a moment as he thinks, tapping his finger on the steering wheel before starting the car back up and quickly driving off.

"Where are we going?" I ask curiously when he drives straight past the turn for school. "Stiles, we're going to be late"

I try my best to get him to turn around but it's no use. Maybe what happened was just a weird moment and it means nothing. Maybe I'm worrying too much. But Stiles obviously thinks differently.

"We're going to Deaton" Stiles finally speaks up and the name suddenly rings in my mind from a few days ago, but I still don't know who it is.

"Who's Deaton?" I ask as he pulls up outside a veterinary clinic, causing me to become more confused than ever. "And why are you bringing me to a veterinary clinic?"

Stiles climbs out of the jeep, not answering my question, so I decide to follow him. He stops at the front door of the clinic and turns around to face me.

"Look, the guy that works here, Deaton, he knows a lot more about the supernatural than any of us do, so maybe he'll be able to tell us why you're having the same dream two nights in a row"

"But what if it's nothing to worry about?" I try one last time to change his mind. "Everyone has crazy dreams every once in a while, right?" I turn back towards the jeep when Stiles grabs my hand and pulls me back towards him.

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