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Olivia's POV

"Olivia!" the one voice I was hoping to avoid for the rest of the school day rings in my ears and I sigh as I see him approaching me.

"What do you want, Stiles?" I ask, irritation clear in my voice.

"I need you to come with me" he replies, and quickly tugs on my sweatshirt, dragging me outside to the front of the school.

"Stiles!" I shout at him, hoping he would let go of my sweatshirt. He finally comes to a stop and I roll my eyes as I flatten down the side piece of cloth he had pulled on.

"I need you to tell me what they're talking about" Stiles says, pointing over to the car park where two police officers stand, one a man and another a woman.

"What? No" I go to turn around when he stands in my way. "Why can't you ask Scott to do it?"

"Because" he drags the word out. "I can't find Scott anywhere and you're right here so go do it" he turns me back around and I sigh as I listen in on the officers' conversation.

"We need to secure the area and make sure none of these kids get hurt or in any sort of danger" the man says first.

"And I'll notify the principal and teachers on students being in this area after certain hours" the woman adds, making the man nod his head and push his fingers into his trouser pockets.

"Sheriff, the body has been removed and is heading to the hospital right now" another man says as he walks over and stops infront of the man, who I guess is the sheriff.

"Thank you deputy" I frown as he says this.

"What?" Stiles pipes up. "What did they say?"

"They found a body on school grounds. It's on its way to the hospital now" I look over to the sealed off area of the school car park where the body has been found.

"Then we need to go" Stiles says and starts heading to his car, stopping when he realises I'm not coming.

"Olivia, are you coming?" He asks, but my concentration is elsewhere. "Olivia?"

"How did I not smell it? I didn't catch a scent, why not?" I ask, frozen on the spot. "Whoever that person was, they're dead and I could of saved them. I could of caught a scent-"

"Olivia, stop" Stiles cuts in, my heading turning in his direction. "It's not your fault"

"Yes it is" I raise my voice, Stiles' eyes widening. "You don't get it, I came here to stop the Jorõgumo from killing people. No one else was meant to die"

Stiles looks at me with confusion in his eyes as I say this, realizing that I'm upset about the whole situation.

"What do you mean?" He asks, taking a step closer towards me as I shake my head. "Who are you talking about?"

"My brother" I deadpan, sorrow immediately becoming clearer in Stiles' eyes. "He's dead and its all my fault"

"Hey" Stiles calls, tilting his head to the side as he reaches for my hand. I look down towards them as he places mine in his palm, looking back up to see a small smile on his lips. "Don't blame yourself. There was nothing you could do to stop it"

"I could have tried" I mumble and he sighs and takes a step backwards.

"Come on" he says. "Let's get to the hospital"


"Scott" Stiles calls once he caught sight of him in the hospital. "Where have you been, man?"

"You guys know that there was a murder today, right?" He asks, ignoring Stiles' question.

"Yeah, murder" I say sarcastically.

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