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Olivia's POV

So I've gotten through my first week of school pretty alright for someone who is the definition of socially awkward. And I'm thankful for that.

Today is currently Saturday, and Lydia got a message from Scott this morning saying that they have already left for Kira. Which means there isn't much for us to do here in Beacon Hills without a sign, clue or a bit of action.

I had told Lydia this morning that I was going for a jog, which is what I am currently doing. I take a turn into the woods and slow down to a walking pace so I could look around and maybe find something, anything that will help us in any way.

It's pretty quiet at the moment, the only sounds to be heard are the chirping birds and the crunch of the twigs underneath my feet.

As I walk further through the trees, I spot an old, abandoned house, most windows either being cracked or broken and the roof of the house to have fallen in. It looks as if there was a house fire.

Deciding to explore, I walk up to the house, stopping on the front porch when I catch a scent from inside the house. Someone's inside.

I take a deep breath before pushing the door open and walking in, the inside looking much worse than the outside with the floor boards sticking up and dust clouds in the air, meaning someone is definitely here.

I focus on my senses incase that someone tries to attack me as I walk into a room to the right of the staircase. The first thing I see is a small puddle of liquid on the floor infront of me.

I walk towards it, bending down and swiping my two fingers across the cold, sticky substance and bringing it up to my nose. It doesn't smell like anything.

I catch a familiar scent from behind me just as the floorboards creak, the old house becoming silent shortly after.

"Hale" I speak to the person behind me, knowing exactly who it is. I study the liquid some more as I see a pair of shoes moving over to stand infront of me. I look up to see him with his hands behind his back, looking down at me with a small smile.

"Well, this is unexpected" Peter says.


Scott's POV

Maybe bringing Mason wasn't the best idea, because even though he has known about supernatural creatures now for a long time, he still asks a lot of questions.

"Mason" Malia interrupts him once again, raising her voice a little higher this time. "For God's sake, please stop asking questions"

"Right, right" Mason says. "Sorry, I'm just- I still need to wrap my head around the whole situation. God, this is so cool" I look back at him in the rearview mirror to see him smiling, I shake my head.

"On a serious note" I speak up, turning down the deserted road and glancing over at Malia, who sits in the passenger seat, and at Hayden and Mason through the mirror. "We know what these people are capable of, so we need to try our best to get past them without killing anyone" I look to Malia as I say this, and she sighs.

"So, what's the plan then" Hayden asks.

"We're going to try reason with them first" I start. "And if they won't reason with us, that's when we fight"


Olivia's POV

"So, are you going to tell me what your doing here?" Peter asks me as I stand up to look at him properly, the look on his face not changing in the slightest.

"I think you know why I'm here" I state, and he begins to walk around me as I stay standing infront of the puddle.

"You know that's not what I mean" he stops behind for a moment and then continues to walk. "What are you doing in my house" he raises his voice at the end, making me cringe slightly.

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