All Good Things...

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After a trip to save Stein from his careless parents who, moments after the birth of their son handed him over to Mick and a brief jump to grab baby Jax, we are heading towards some top secret place hidden in time where we can hide our younger selves (plus Ronnie).

Jax actually went on his own rescue trip and came back pretty shaken up. But I guess I would too if I saw my parents. That or I'd try to murder my father for the third time.

"Hey Jax!" I call as I pull out of my harness to follow him out of the room, "You alright?"

But as soon as the words are out of my mouth I know the answer. The tear stains on his dark cheeks give it away.

"I'm fine," he mumbles as he tries to walk away.

"No, you really aren't," I reply leaping forward to cut him off, "You're upset and if you try to keep all this bottled up you're going to explode. So do me a favor and quit saying you're fine. If you don't want to talk to me about this, don't. But I want you to talk to someone."

"I don't want to talk to anyone!" Jax snaps turning away as more tears start to fall, "I want to be alone."

"Alright," I sigh and move out of his way, "But promise me you'll talk to someone!"

Jax nods jerkily before walking swiftly down the hallway towards his room. His heavy footsteps echo in the hallway, growing steadily fainter as he disappears around the corner.

"He's not going to talk to anyone."

I practically jump out of my skin at the voice and clutch my thudding heart as Ronnie walks around from behind me.

"What are you doing out of the-"

"Doesn't matter," Ronnie interrupts, her eyes still focused done the hallway that Jax walked down.

"Yeah it kinda does. Rip's gonna want to know the hole in his security syst-"

"Shut up for a minute and listen," she snaps. Her brown eyes flick to meet mine, "He's about to go down a dark road and he needs someone to talk to."

I narrow my eyes at her.

"Since when did you become a psychiatrist?"

"Since middle school," Ronnie shrugged, "I learned it there and earned a few bucks here and there when idiots came to me for advice. Now scram."

"If I wasn't so worried about Jax, I'd kick your little annoying butt," I mutter to the girl as I turn to run down the hall.

"Sure you would!" She calls back.

A thud and small yelp of pain echoes down the hallway as Ronnie somehow gets thrown magically into a wall.


"THANK YOU!" I yell back.

It turns out that Jax didn't even go into his room. He just sat down in front of a door and held his head in his hands.

"Hey," I say softly as I sit down beside him.

He glances up at me through wet eyes before trying to wipe his face quickly with the back of his hands. He sniffles loudly and moves to stand but I grab his arm and pull him down.

"Jax listen-"

"Kari, has it crossed your mind that maybe I don't want to listen?" Jax croaks. He yanks his hand free and tries to walk away again, "I don't want help."

I move to stand in front of him again and stare him fiercely in the eye.

"That doesn't mean you don't need it."

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