Chapter 13:

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-- Shane's POV --

Standing in the dim light of my Mom's house, I waited for Lisa and my Mom to pack some bags. I had finished packing what felt like ages ago. I was waiting my the window, keeping a sharp eye on the streets. The plan was to get in the car, and speed for the port. If anything goes wrong, get out of LA, and into the woods or something.

"Shane?" Lisa calls.

"Yeah?" I answer, pulling the green curtains shut over the windows.

"I'm ready to go. Theresa's just finishing packing the toothpastes and such."

((Authors note: In case you don't watch Shane, his mother's name is Theresa.))

I rolled my eyes slightly. "She can be such a mother sometimes."

Lisa laughed, and nodded her head in agreement.

I suddenly remembered I had forgotten something. "One sec," I rushed, kissing Lisa on the cheek, and rushing up the stairs. I went into the bedroom I used to film some scenes in, and went into the mahogany colored drawers, and fished about with the hand that wasn't carrying a bat. I pulled out a small black leather box. I rushed back out of the room, shoving the box back into my pocket.

This was possibly one of the greatest risks of my life.

I double checked my car keys were resting in my pockets, and then tripled check that the small box was there. I turned the doorknob, and ran out. Lisa quickly followed, and so did my mom. The zombies on the street quickly caught our scent, and we're already after us. I ran for the car, keys in hand.

"HELP!" A voice I knew so well called.


I whipped around, to see her on the ground, with a zombie on her. I rushed over to her, and started trying to pull the dead man off.

"Lisa! Help me!" I shouted at her. She was at the car, opening the door, when she saw what had happened. She ran back over, and helped me push. We got the corpse off, then Lisa took her aluminum bat, and went for its head. It exploded with a horrid 'splat' noise. We immediately turned our attentions to my mom.

-- Ian's POV --

When Anthony and I were driving home, we found some slight ccomplications. Slight complications, meaning about half the population of downtown LA was in our path. I never knew there was this many people in Los Angeles.

I stuck my hand out the window, signalling to Anthony that we were going to pull over beside some abandoned looking StarBucks. The street was fairly empty, and with my hockey stick, and Anthony's shotgun, we could easily take out some flesh eaters.

I yanked the keys out of my car, and grabbed the hockey stick that had been resting in the passengers seat. I opened the door, and slammed it shut. Out of the corner of my eye, I thought I saw something move in the StarBucks. Anthony walked out of the car. Before we went in, I wanted to talk to him. We walked up to each other.

"I thought you had died, man!" I talk-shouted. Kinda pissy, but also happy for him to be alive still.

"I'm sorry, bro." He mumbled, holding his arms.

"You gotta apologize to Toby, not me, Anthony." I stated.

Anthony nodded. "I guess we all just get a little crazy..."

I pulled him into a tight bro hug. Then, we remembered that the undead could come and attack us at any second.

We walked up to the Starbucks.

"It looks like someone tried to barricade the place?" He suggested, looking at the wooden boards that covered most of the windows.

I nodded, ripping off a loosely secure plank, that brought two others down.

I heard a gun load, and turned around. There stood Anthony, with a tall stranger behind him, that was holding some type of gun to the back of his head.

"Why the heck are you trying to destroy our fort?" The man hissed, from behind a curtain of dark, messy locks.

"Woah, man, no harm," I spoke with shock, dropping the hockey stick to the ground.

"Wait, Ian from Smosh?" The guy asked, his grip on the pistol loosening.

"Y-yup," I assured.

"Your Cry!" Anthony piped up. "Ian, he's the guy from the channel with the picture of a monkey!"

The guy, Cry, chuckled moving the gun away from Anthony's head. "That would be me."

(Authours Note)

Cry, Amy, Anthony and Ian. What will ever unfold?

Even I don't know.

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