Chapter 10: Anthony, Gangs, and Rejected Kisses.

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--- Sean's POV ---

As I snuck into the kitchen, I noticed only one zombie. He was burnt and charred, just like the rest of the kitchen. A fired must have happened, then the sprinklers went off. I grabbed my knife, and snuck up behind the guy. I stabbed him right in the brain, and he made some weird throaty noise. I kicked him off my knife, and looked around the rest off the kitchen.

"Aacchfgghh.." A voice grunted from about 3 meters away from me. Curious, I walked over to it.

Ah god! The smell!

I instantly barfed. It was a burnt corpse, but it had managed to survive the fire or something. It had lost its legs to the fire, and observing it fully, I barfed again.

Goodbye beans from 1999!

It was such a sad sight. I looked down at the thing, and raised my hammer, I had it in my bag, and swung it down upon the creatures head. It didn't seem to feel it at all, so it had a quick, peaceful-ish death. Again.

After going through the entire kitchen, I had found 4 cans of corn, spaghetti, water bottles, knives, and other food items. About an hour or so had passed, when I decided to head out to look for Jack and Marzia. I went to the staircase, about 10 metres off from the kitchen, and walked downward. My simple black Coverse gave off a metallic sound as I walked. The stairwell was large, so I could hear the echoes. It didn't seem like there were any zombies in here, otherwise I would've heard them by now. Maybe there was a cat or squirrel or something, because I heard some little, quiet footsteps. Then I wondered, why do animals not become zombie-fied? They have brains, organs and crap. So couldn't they be zombies? Or would the germs be too much for their little bodies? Oh well I dun-

I fell to the floor, "What the hell?!" I shouted, my hand reaching for my knife.

"Don't even try that bud..." A girl hissed, holding a medium-long blade to my neck. "Hands up. Not there, up in the air!" She demanded. I rolled my eyes and put them in the air.

Quickly, she took my knife, and hammer all in a whoosh.

"What do you want? I barely have anything!" I protest.

"Everything you got." The girl answers. Under closer observation, I could see that she had brown emo hair, basically just like Anthony's from Smosh.

"Hey, do you watch YouTube?" I ask.

".... Yes. I do." The girls face lit up at the mention of the word. Hmm...

"You kinda remind me of Anthony. From Smosh." I shared, as she looked through my bag.

"You watch Smosh too?!" She squealed dropping the bag.

"Well, sometimes! I'm a YouTuber as well, but I guess you don't know me..." I say with a frown. Sure, I wasn't super popular, but... Ugh. I want more fans.

She looked over my face, "Shane Klitner?" She asked.

"Sean Klitzner." I corrected.

"Oh yeah!!! I've seen you before!"

"Well, now you tell me your name." I ask. It was only fair, she knew my name, now I should know hers.

"Nicole. Nice to meet you." She says, putting her blade back in her bag, and holding her hand out instead. I took Nicole's hand and gave it a firm shake.

"So, do you know JacksFilms and CutiePieMarzia?" I ask.

"Sounds familiar."

"They're also with me. But not right now. They're in the parking lot."

Nicole's eyes widened. "Oh shit." She took off, running down the stairs.

"Hey! Wait up!" I yelled, grabbing my knife and bag off the ground. I could get the hammer later. I chased after her.

"My gang is going to attack the place! They're gonna loot the offices and cars! We gotta hurry!" She yells back, a little bit out of breath.

"It's not like they're gonna hurt Marzia and Jack right?!" I shout after her.

"I gotta hope they won't! If they do, I gotta use my awesomeness to save them!" She yells.

We gotta get there quick!

---- Anthony's POV---

Shit. FireTruck. Shit. Fuck. Why! Why did I do that! They're never gonna let me be with them again! I'll be all alone in a zombie apocalypse! I'll die! Last night, I had ran out the door, down the street, and into the RV Kate had talked about. Now I'm parked on the beach with zombies all around me.


I'm stupid. Sighing, I got up and walked across the RV. Okay... Ugh... Maybe the guy who owned the piece of junk kept a gun somewhere.. I started looking in every cabinet, and every drawer.

No luck.

'Alright, let's check the bathroom,' I thought to myself, taking a deep breath to calm down. I walked over to the washroom door, and yanked it open. On the toilet was a dead guy, shot gun and in hand, and... I barfed at this point, blood everywhere. Looks like a successful suicide attempt. Shivers went up and down my spine, and grabbed the guys gun. Brrr!

I walked over to the emergency exit through the roof, and opened it. I was too short to hop up, it was a pretty tall RV, so I went and grabbed a chair. I dragged it over, set it down, stood on it, and pulled myself up onto the roof. I checked the gun for ammo. Nope. Wait. There was some by the glove compartment. I hopped back down into the RV and walked over to the compartment. I grabbed like 29 bullets, stuffed them in my pocket, and I also got the instructions on how to fire the gun. They were lying on the ground, clearly not used. I flowed the instructions carefully, loading the shot gun. I got it right on my first try! Score! I headed back up to the roof, and looked through the scope it had. This guy must have been planning to fight but got overrun or something.

Oh well. It's mine now.

I aimed carefully for a zombies head, trying to move as little as possible. I was just about to pull the trigger when a voice shouted, "Anthony!" My finger spazzed and it messed up my aim. The bullet strayed away from the zombies head, and landed in the sand. I growled.

"Anthony!" The dude shouted.

I turned my head to see Ian. His car was parked about half a mile or so away from mine.

"What!" I yelled back at him. I whipped around to face him.

"You gotta come back!"

"No I don't! Everyone must hate me there! I freaking tried to kill Toby!"

"I don't hate you!"

I sighed. Maybe I could try going back...


I looked down, and saw some zombies shuffling towards my RV. I could probably dodge them, right? Right. So I went back inside the RV, went to the drivers seat, and put the machine in reverse. I put my foot on the gas, and the car took off. It broke through the small, old, frail boardwalk, and into the half empty parking lot. I could see zombies chasing me, so I put the car back to normal. I honked at Ian, and we got back on the road. We were still in our hometown, so I knew the road system as I rushed along the streets. I was driving on the more empty side of the road, the one that wasn't jammed with cars that had tried to escape. I had driven for a hour or so last night, so it would take a while to get back. The small clock the RV had on the wall read "6:57". We would probably have to stay somewhere for the night.

--- Jacks POV ---

As soon as Marzia's lips touched mine, she slapped me.

"Ow!" I whined.

"What the heck Jack! I'm with Felix!" She shouted at me.

"Marzia, he's probably dead!" I said back.

"He's not dead.." She said, her eyes watering.

"He was unarmed. He was at a convention surrounded by people who could've been infected. His guards could've been taken down easily. Marzia... I'm sorry, but..." I tried to break it to her, it's was a 1% chance out of 100 that Pewds would still be alive.

Now she was crying. I hugged her, and she didn't push me away. She tried to hold it in, taking deep breaths, but eventually she had soaked my t shirt with her tears.

Then we heard a gun shot.

I whipped my head up, banging my head on the desk. "Ahh... Fuck." I hissed. Why was I so clumsy in front of Marzia?

"It's probably Sean. He must have found a gun or something." I told her, getting ready to stand up.

Marzia nodded. "Maybe he can save us." She wiped away a few of her tears.

I pulled myself up using the desk, and looked out the window over the zombies heads. A group of people in black saw me. They pointed, I waved. "Help!" I shouted. A bullet shot hit the window. Geez! They need to work on their aim. Another bullet hit, another, and another. The glass broke. Then yet another bullet, but this one hit...


I fell to the ground, and my head collided hard with the concrete.

I was out cold.

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