Chapter 5: #Buscusbrat

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Hey. So, from now on I'm gonna be combining two chapters. I've been trying to set aside writing times, and updating times. Once I get a computer the chapters will be longer. Btdubs, that means longer chapters in like a month. Tell me if you want short

chapters still, or long chapters.

--- Toby's POV ---

We all woke up the next morning feeling like shit.

Melanie and Ian had their own bedroom, Ant had his, and he was hoping to share it with Kalel (His girlfriend), so me and Pewds had occupied the two couches in the living room.

And he snores!

So I was up half the night. Also, the light sound of moaning and weird grunts coming from outside. The infection probably spread out a little.

"Morning..." Anthony says, walking out. He was wearing plaid pajama pants and a Smosh sweater. Pewds had a pair of Ants pajamas on, and I had slept in my jeans.

"Sup?" Pewdie grunted from his cocoon of blankets, still a sleepy little FeFe.

I had been watching youtube videos for the past 30 minutes, hogging a charger that was in the wall. Today we were gonna try and build a fence or something. Make the house stronger.


"Alright, we have 3 hockey sticks. Anthony, do we have barb wire?" Felix asked.

Ant nodded. "In the garage."

"Go get it." He ordered. "We can make them stronger. Now, Ian where's your BB gun?"

"Under my bed." He replied.

"Do you have a real gun?"

Ian shook his head. "Nope."

"Alright. So were gonna need guns."

"No shit." I say, a little smirk playing on my face. It was fun to provoke FeFe.

"Shut up, you.... Buscusbrat." He says with a easy going glare.

"Buscusbrat? I gotta tweet that." I say, opening up my twitter app.


Oh wait. No more signal.

---Anthony's POV---

I walked down into Ian's garage. This place was like my second home. We had all our props in here. The humping skeletons, barbershop pole, the flamingo, some shirts laying about, and our wall of mail.

Ian had a shelf of stuff, and supplies. Like blankets, can food, stuff like that. I walked over, and started to search for barb wire or whatever. To the side of the shelf I found about 3 meters worth.

I decided to check what it was like outside by looking out one of the small windows. I pushed a box under it and climbed on top.

Our backyard had about 8 zombies in it already.

Aw crap. I needed to tell everyone. We had to get out of here. I mean, it might be a bit drastic, but we have no weapons or armor or anything so we didn't have much of a choice. I hopped down, and grabbed a backpack from the shelf. I started filling it with the food, and some canned water.

Really, who sells that stuff?

Oh well. So I grabbed what I thought we would need. Then I had a backpack full of food and water. I found another one on the top shelf. I was packing sleeping bags and flashlights when the door started to open.

"Anthony?" Melanie asked.

"Yeah?" I called back. "Just looking for supplies."

"But why? We don't have to leave for a while."

"C'mere. Stand on that box." I told her.

She did what I had said, and jumped onto the box. "Holy shit..." She mumbled.

"I know right? That's why I'm packing." I spoke in agreement.

"We have to go tell everyone. And get a view from the front."

"Yea. You keep packing, I'll go do that." I said and ran out of the basement.


"Guys! The backyard is full of zombies!" I exclaimed to them.

"Really?" Pewds asked.

"Yeah. We have to get going, they could break in somehow." I ordered. "Let's get to the car."

Ian nodded. "But I don't wanna leave here... I mean there's so many memories."

"I know, Ian. I don't wanna go as well. But we gotta, or were gonna die." I say sadly.

"Alright... Wait, how many zombies did you see?"

"About 10."

"C'mon, we could easily take them."

"No we couldn't..."

"Yes we could."

"No we couldn't!"

"Yes we could!"

"Fine! Lets do this!"


---Jacks POV---

"Gah... It's so hot..." I said, lying down.

"Shut up... At least there's no zombies up here." Sean mumbled back.

We had been camping out on a roof for about a day now. It was unbearably hot. I had gotten a sunburn, and I'm pretty sure Sean had one too.

"We should have gone to Wal-Mart. They have coolers. And air conditioning." I said. It was Sean's idea to look at the hotel for food and stuff.

"Good point... Lets go inside." He said, picking up his gun. He had gotten it from a dead police man. I picked up my backpack of stuff and my sledge hammer. "It's so heavy..." I whined. So I just dropped it, and picked up my hammer instead.

We walked over to the entrance, and went inside. We were on the highest floor, so this would be where all the rich zombies were.

Sean and I walked over to a door, and he hold up his gun. I looked in the eyehole thing or whatever, and I couldn't see anything. He slowly opened the unlocked door, and walked inside. I closed the door behind me, on alert for any walkers.

Yup, I watch The Walking Dead.


Well. No big message today. I just wanna say, I hurt my finger, and it hurts to type. So there may not be a chapter other then this one this week.

Peace off,

~ Isabelle

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