Chapter 9: CutieFilms?

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--- Marzia's POV---

Jack, Sean and I had spent the night in the hotel room. I had gotten the master bedroom, and the boys slept on the couches.

It was around 9 am when I woke up, so I thought the boys would still be asleep. I headed out into the living room and I found that to be true. "Lazies..." I chuckle, heading towards my suitcase that I had neglected to bring to my room last night. "Hmm..." I mumble, as I flip through my neatly folded clothing. As it was summer, I needed something cool, and something zombies wouldn't notice me in...

"Ah ha!" I exclaim, grabbing my camouflage tank top, jean shorts, and camo leggings.

Rushing back into my bedroom, I quickly got dressed. I put on my sneakers, and I was ready for the day. I walked back out to see Jack waking up.

"Ufff..." He grumbled, as he turned around. He turned once more and fell off the couch with a bang! I giggled, and he looked up at me with a look of annoyance. Jack smiled shortly after the mean look.

"What? Never seen a guy fall off the couch before?" He joked, propping himself up against the couch.

"A couple of times with...." I start to say, but then remember. "Felix." Felix was missing. That was depressing.

Jack bites his lip. "Don't worry, Marzia. We can find him." Jack says, putting on a brave face for me.

I smiled, "And soon, I hope!"

Jack was quite sweet!

--- Jacks POV ---

'Hopefully not so soon,' I think to myself. I don't know, but...

I think I have a crush on Marzia.

Pewds is my friend and all but, I mean, Pewdie may be dead already. There's no way we can contact him.
I could just say I thought he was dead if Marzia and I did anything and he found out.

Maybe CutieFilms could work. I dunno.

I sat up. "We'll do what we can." I say to Marzia, masking my jealousy. I stretched my arms over my head, got up, and started walking for my backpack that was by the television.

"So what do you want for breakfast? We have the 5 star rated menu of Canned Peaches and Pineapple, a can of Pringles, and," I say, looking into my bag, "Canned beans from 1999!"

Marzia chuckles. "I'll take the Peaches and Pineapple please!"

Sean was behind her, and he frowned. "I wanted that!" He says teasingly. "Humph, now I'm stuck with Prin-"

I cut him off, "The Pringles are mine, SON!" I shout playfully.

"Well then! Now I'm left with the beans!" He says, grabbing the can. Marzia laughed from the living room.

I pulled out my hammer, and opened Sean's can because we're too cheap for can openers, plus neither of us know how to use one. Sean and I walk over to the living room and sit down. As Sean gives his beans the death stare, and Marzia happily eats her peaches and pineapple, and I talk about what were gonna do today. "Alright, since where here," I say, pointing to a map. The hotel was on the outskirts of downtown Sacramento. "We can go to that Wal-Mart there," I plan, pointing to a Walmart about a mile away. "Get some food, look for people, then we can come back here and unpack. If we still have time, we can look for Pewds."

I'm gonna make sure we have as little time as possible.

--An hour later...--

To slow us down, I decided we wouldn't use cars. We would use bikes and be stealthy. First off, finding bikes. This would take an hour or so if all went smoothly. We could take the elevator down to the underground parking lot. They should have a bike rack there. Sean was going to search the restaurant's kitchen, and report back to us in an hour. Marzia and I stood in the elevator. It was a comfortable silence between us as the elevator raced for the parking lot.

"Marzia, there could be a ton of undead things. Zombies. We need to be quick, and quiet. If it all turns to hell, you run for the elevator, and I'll distract them." I say facing Marzia. I wanted to make sure she didn't scream or anything to blow our cover.

I tossed her my gun, the one I took from the dead police guy. "In case of emergency."

Marzia gave me a grave nod, and then the door slid open.

Hooooollleeeeyyy. That was a lot of dead rich people.

I exited the elevator, sticking to the wall. CutiePie followed me quickly, as if it was follow the leader. We snuck along the wall, looking for a bike rack. So far, no sign of one. But, there was a bike tire print on the ground, so it's gotta be close.

I jumped off the wall, and started running. The zombies did whatever zombies do on the other side of the lot right now, so we had a clear path until we got to the other side. Gosh, this was terrifying. I could hear Marzia behind me, but then I heard a 'scritchh' the noise you kinda make when you fall, the Marzia's girly scream.

Shit, I hope she's not hurt.

I ran to Marzia and helped her get up. "Jack, my ankle!" She said. I looked at her ankle. It was already bruising.

"Shit!" I hissed, "can you walk?" I ask her.

"I can try." She said hopefully.

"Here, put your arm around my neck. You can lean on me." I told her. She wrapped one of her arms around my neck and started hopping. I walked alongside her. Then, we heard a ghastly grunt from behind us. A zombie! I swooped Marzia into my arms bridal style, and ran. I couldn't just attack the thing with her being so vulnerable.

I ran to the guards office, and tried to pry the door open. "Damnit," I growled when it wouldn't open. The zombie was about 30 seconds off, so I put Marzia down. I took out my hammer, walked up to the zombie. I swung my hammer, and it hit the zombie right in the face. It grunted, and retracted. It lunged for my neck, and I sidestepped it. I lost my balance, and my hammer hit a car. The car alarm fire trucking went off! I could hear feet walking and shuffling towards me. Zombie feet. I quickly finished off the zombie near me, then ran back to Marzia. I started trying to open the door. It was locked.

Of course.

I swung my hammer at the door, and I could hear the lock unlock because of the strong hit. I yanked open the door, then grabbed Marzia. We dashed inside the small cramped office, and I slammed the door and locked it. Marzia took cover under a desk, and I followed her.

"We should've ran Jack!" She whispers.

"I know, I know, but the zombies were coming from the direction of the elevator. Pass me the gun."

Marzia takes the gun out of her pocket, and hands it to me. "Do you have a bandage?" Marzia asked me.

"Um, lemme check my bag..." I say. I take my bag off my back, and unzipped it. I looked into the bag. "Nope. Maybe they have something around the office..." I suggest. I get up, and by mistake look out the glass.

"Shiiiitttt..." I mumble, then hurriedly start to open the desk drawers. Pens, paper, and a stapler in the first one. In the second one, a small first aid bag thingy. I took it out, then sat back down beside Marzia.

"Take off your shoe," I say, opening the kit. Only a bit of bandage stuff, but it'll do.

"Do you know how to do this Jack?" Marzia asked, doubting my skills.

"When I was a kid, I always went to a local ravine. I wasn't allowed to, and I always fell off bunch off trees and stuff," I explain, as I unroll the bandage. "I hurt my wrists, ankles, knees, so I learned how to do this myself without my parents, because they would've found out." By the time I finished my story, I had wrapped up Marzia's ankle.

"Thank you, Jack." She said, her brown eyes shining.

I grinned in return. "No problem, Marzia..." I felt my cheeks heat up a little, and Marzia looked at me with one eyebrow raised. I poker faced, and stood up, but I banged my head on the desk. "D'oh!" I growled, then stood up properly. I saw about 36 zombies, and when they saw me they started banging on the plastic glass. I sat back down as quick as I could.

"There's a lot of them, Marzia... I only have 5 bullets in there..." Looking her dead in the eye. "If we try to use Melee, they'll surround us..."

Marzia looked up at me. "Are we gonna die?"

I get shuffle next to her, "If we do.." I whisper, and lean in closer to her.

---And Scene---



So, to thank you guys for reading my story, and supporting me, and getting me to 17.2 k, And to reward y'all, I'm gonna make a YouTube questions video! Send me questions on twitter, kik, or in the comments! I'll be making the video on Saturday, so get your questions in by then!

~Isabelle B ❤

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