Chapter One: THAT IS A NONO!

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---Pewdiepie's POV---

So this is Tobuscus. He's nice enough. I think a while back there was a competition between us or something and some of my Bros and some of his Buscuses formed the BroBuscus fandom.... What's a buscus? Is it a English word I don't know? Alright, well, Toby said he was going to look around my event once we finished talking, and then we could meet up. I nodded. "Maybe. I don't know," I said, fairly truthfully, to the American. "it's a bit busy.". He nodded. "Sure man, I know how it is." Toby responded. I think he was trying to find common ground between us. But, I don't think we would be great friends based on his videos. He's too innocent. And I've been told I swear a lot. It's just for laughs, you know? I'm not a bad person. At least, I don't think I am.

So, a while later I finished up the meet and greet, and I got up to walk around. It was then I heard a scream coming over from the video-viewing computers. Probably just a jump scare. And then people were running, and it turned to chaos. I ran over to we're it was coming from, because after all, it is my convention. Toby was there "Hey Pewdie!" He said with a wave, not looking behind him.

A guy came up, and grabbed him. "THAT IS A NO NO!!! THAT'S A NONO MISTER!" He screamed. The guy was trying to bite him. "Security!" I called. Wait... Where is everyone? The park was full a minute ago! Nobody comes up. "Sir? Can you please get off him?!" I asked the guy hanging off of Toby's back. The guys didn't seem like he was going to let go. Tobuscus managed to push him off to the ground. And the guys arm fell off! I jumped back and accidentally let out one of my famous screams. Toby was breathing heavily. "What the hell..." He muttered, and stood by my side. The guy stood up, and shambled over when a security guy jumped him. I watched. Who was this guy!!! "ARRGHHH!" My security dude screamed. He was bitten by the guy! I jumped back. Is he a zombie??? PSH, no. This is real life. Not some video game.

---Anthony's POV---

"That'll be 15 dollars," the pizza guy mumbled. I reached into my back pocket and pulled out a 10 dollar bill, and then a 5. "Thanks man." Ian said, not to me. Why would he thank me? Not like I'm buying his lunch. Haha.... Nooo... Not at all. Ian took the warm, mouth watering box and started walking out the door. I frowned. That was my pizza! I was quick to follow him, but then he was stopped by something on the flat screens they had set up above the tables. "Zombie Outbreak?!" Paced by at the bottom of the screen, and the lady spoke of cannibals eating other people in the street. Ian grinned. "Cool!" He exclaimed. "How is that cool?!" I asked him. What the hell? Is this guy insane?! Well, if you rearrange the letters in "insane" you get "iansne" so... I don't know. "Dude, it's like, we're gonna be action heroes! Defeat all the zombies! Woo!" He protests to me, doing a little dance. "Stop it man, were in public." I groan. He's like an embarrassing parent or something. "Ok, so we should totally stock up on food and crap, and then we get guns and blow some zombie heads off !" Ian plans, his mind racing a mile a minute.

"Or we could lay low until it blows over...."

"C'mon! In the walking dead, do you ever see people laying low? No! The people are out there shooting zombies!"

"And get killed! We know nothing about these zombies, Ian. They could be super strong running zombies!"

"And were gonna have to barricade the house, and make sure you have a Wii, not a Glii, because the Glii sucks balls!"

I roll my eyes. Typical, dumb, bowl haired Ian.

---Ian's POV---

Anthony was not getting how serious this is! But we could also have a crapload of fun! I mean, we would get all the zombie ladies when we walk by and shoot our guns looking super hot. God, this is going to be sweet! Gosh, he's such a buzzkill!

---Toby's POV---

Some freak at the park tried to bite me!

What. The. Hell.

I mean, I know I'm incredibly hot, haha, but who would want to bite me? I should get Steven to hire a security team. Or Gryphon could just bark at them. Pewds and I were still a little uneasy, and then the radio that was playing music in the background had a cackle and static noise. It was a emergency broadcast!

"Recently, people have become cannibalistic and have been biting people, animals, and anything that moves. The flesh has been decaying, and to popular belief, it's a Zombie Apocalypse. Maybe the world was supposed to end in 2013. All citizens please remain in your homes, stay safe, and stay away from the streets." A bored, yet attentive, woman read off on the radio.

Maybe I was attacked by a zombie? Helll naww GURLLL!


[And scene!]

Ok, this was chapter 1, but part 2! How is that possible?!?! Ok, so I just typed this up after school, and if there's any readers or whatever please comment and stuff or whatever 😀 I made this because there's little to none Tobuscus, Pewdiepie, and Smosh fanfic toons out there, and I know tons of people who adore both. So if I can get 5 reads/comments ill continue? Or I'll just get bored and continue.

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