Zombies And Youtube (Pewdiepie, Smosh, Tobuscus)

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Zombies And YouTube

Alright, this is my first ever story, and it's going to be about Smosh, Pewdiepie and Tobusus. And zombies. My 4 most favorite things.

---Pewdiepie's POV---

"Ha ha, hey, how it going bro?" I said chatting happily with the people who supported me so much. The girl smiled at me. Wait, she didn't smile. She super giant your mommas smile. We talked for less then 30 seconds when the next bro in line came up to me. "Hey Bro. How's it going?" And that again, again, and again for like, then next 2 hours. I mean, not that I don't love it, but its just that people in LA are so... Chatty? I think that's the word.

I was in LA for a meet and greet, and to give out shirts to all my American fans and stuff. Also, I wanted to Catch up with Smosh after our recent duo.... Is it a duo? I mean, there's 2 Smosh guys and then me... So a triplet. It would be cool to meet them in person, and I heard they were recording a single in LA for... What video was it... Oh well. It will be beautiful. LIKE YOUR MOM!!!


---Ian's POV---

"Anddddd.... PEW! Your finished! Suck on that Padildo!" I say, as I completely wreck Anthony in COD. He grunts in my direction when I smirk like a champ."Whatever... You sucked, I... I just lost focus!" Ant whines defending his weak case. I laugh. "Say what you want... Now you have to pay for lunch..... BITCH!" I tease. He groans. "Damn...."

Later we're driving down the road to get to some restaurant Anthony wanted to try. Probably some super cheap place so he won't have to pay that much. "Wrooop!" "Vrooop!" Anthony continuously says as we drive, using the sound effect when other cars pass by us. "STAHP!" I groan.

"Nope! My car, my rules!" He taunts

"Shut up."

"Make me!" He laughs, his weird laugh. It was so unmanly for his emo flap.

--- Anthony's POV---

Dumb Ian. A game of Call Of Duty is nothing! I should've ask for a rematch. But I'm starved! So, we're heading for Pizza Pizza. Not the cheapest place, but I want pizza! And then after that, we're gonna go see Pewds. It'd be sweet to hang out with him, and get away from Ian.... No, just kidding. No matter how much we act like we hate each other, this little bowl haired baby is my brother, and were sticking together.

---Toby's POV---

"Audience?! What are you doing at Pewdiepie's meet and greet?!" I announce into my IPhone. I was doing a little vlog, and I was waiting in line to see pewdie. We've kinda been rivals, and being the friendlybuscus person I am, I decide to come and meet him. "So, we're going to blow up his entire thingy? What?! No. That's a no no audience. It's not very nice. Today, we shall be nice little buscuses, and say hi to Pewdiepie! Oh! I made a rhyme! Say Hi to Pewdiepie say hi to Pewdiepie!" I chuckle. About 5 more people till I see him. "I'm famous, I should have a VIP pass or something. Lines are too long!" I groan. "Oh we're moving!"

"Haha, how's it goi-?" Pewdie says, looking up from the table. "Toby?"

"Look audience! It's Pewdiepie!" I say to the camera, then turn to face the swede in front of me. "Hullo! Im Toby Turner, and you may know me as Tobuscus!"

"Um, yeah. I do. I guess you know me too? Because your here and all. Nice to meet you!" He says after being caught off guard by my handsome looks. Haha, nope!

"Yeah, the pleasure is all mine!" I say over formally.


Haha, this is chapter one. Sorry its a bit short. No zombies yet guys. :( I know it sucks but be patient. If you are about this story, please post in the comments if you want be to continue, or constructive criticism 😊 it would help out a lot.

Brofist. 👊


If you sneezed well reading this bless you. 👃

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