Chapter 12.2: StarBucks

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-Cry's POV-

It was a pleasant evening in the downtown part of LA. Except for the grotesque smell of rotting flesh, that had been radiating from the walking corpses. I was holed up in StarBucks with this girl I had found, on my way into the downtown core. We had few supplies, and a nice amount of food but it was rotting quickly.

Also, I was tired of eating ginger molasses cookies for breakfast every morning.

The girl's name was Amy. She had dirty blonde hair, that had gotten even dirtier after a couple of days of fighting the undead with her home made bow and arrows, and my gun. We were both running massively low on ammo, so we had been working on barricading the coffee shop. We had a working satellite radio, and the news was getting out to England, Australia, and further off places about the Apocalypse. We were told to stay put, and wait for the military to storm in like heroes. But, from my gaming knowledge, I knew that wouldn't happen.

We would have to be our own heroes.

-CutiePie's POV-

I don't often swear, but when I do, it's because the situation is very bad. The reason why I don't swear, or cuss, or use vulgar language or whatever, is because of how I was raised. I was raised
in a strict household.

"No dating until your 18!" Mum would say.

"Be home by seven!" Father would shout.

So, I learned how to sneak around a little.

I thought about the gunmen, and their view. They probably hadn't seen me yet, so I ducked under the desk again.

"Oh hell..." I muttered to myself, looking at Jack's wound. I suddenly heard more gun shots erupting, so I curled into the corner of the huge metal desk.

Then I heard a familiar voice. The small but loud explosions abruptly stopped.

"Woah... Okay. Guys. No guns, okay? Just... What do you want?"

It was Sean. Thank god!

"All your supplies, and you and whoever the fuck else is in here." A gruff voice barked.

"Uh.. Sure. G-geez..." Sean stuttered.

"Let them at least keep %30 percent of their stuff, Stu." A younger voice said.

"Nicole, why are with this stupid kid? You were supposed to be scouting." The gruff voice, Stu, apparently, spoke.

"I heard gunshots and came running. This guy," Nicole said. "Has a group here."

Awkward silence.

"The kid in the security office?" Stu asked, dumbly.

Somebody was probably nodding.

I heard someone frantically running, and then the office door opened.

"Oh hell!" Sean shouted, ending down to Jacks bleeding body.

I crawled out, into the light. Sean engulfed me in a hug, thankful one of his friends was still alive. It was a little awkward, still.

Like a 5th grade 'romance' hug.

We broke the hug, and and went to tend to Jack.

Stu emerged in the doorframe.

"We can give you some bandages, and we want you out."

"I can go get the bandages," Nicole mumbled, scampering off towards somewhere in the parking lot.

Oh god.

--- Authors Note ---

I am sorry for the long wait. School is back up in full blast, Im applying for a Arts schools, so Im working on that, and I've joined a new fandom, My Chemical Romance btdubs, and Im a huge procrastinator.

So, I wanna thank everyone! This story is pretty popular now, eh?

So, I like to celebrate things with contests and stuff, so, and ideas? Message me.

I never imagined it would get this big! 0.0


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