Chapter 10

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The day finally came. We were to distract SHIELD agents while Bucky - sorry, Winter - kills Captain America, so that HYDRA could take full control. I'd spent the entire week before the mission telling him not to actually do it, to try and remember. I could tell he took my words very seriously.

We got our gear and headed out. This time, only one SUV. I was going over the plan with Jake when I noticed who was in the driver's seat. Connor. I froze. No no no, he shouldn't be here, I thought. The whole purpose of him not going is so I didn't have to hurt him.

I ran up to the car and he rolled his window down. "Hey", he smirked. I tried to play it cool and failed. "What the fuck are you doing here? You're off the mission!" I whisper-shouted.

"The getaway guy is sick or something." He frowned for a second, but then his face lit up again. "Aw, you're concerned about me. That's cute", he smiled sweetly. I sighed. A smile creeped up on my face against my will. "Yup", I nodded, getting in the backseat.


When we got close to the SHIELD base, we got a message from HYDRA - someone in there rebelled against the people we put in charge . Something was up. "Forget that whole plan we were given. Winter is going out alone, and we'll find him later. We have to check this out first", I told them. Connor parked one block away from the base. Winter immediately ran out, leaving us behind.

"Jake, Chuck, go to the lower levels and shut down anything suspicious - make up a story, I don't give a shit what you tell them. Eddy, Tim, these guys must have some back up. Find them, eliminate them, then go to Chuck and Jake and call me so I can meet you. I'll go after the Soldier in a bit. Now, go", I sent them off, then climbed in the front seat with Connor.

We sat in silence, watching people walk by, unaware of what was happening so near them. I was unconsciously biting my nails in anticipation. We weren't getting any reports back from the gorillas I sent out. I don't know how much time had passed. I didn't want to leave, not until I at least said something to Connor.

"Do you... Do you think we could still be friends after all this is over?", I asked. Connor turned to me and frowned. "I mean, when we retire", I explained.

"If we retire", he corrected me. He thought about it for a few seconds. "I don't see why we couldn't be. We've been through so much shit together, Ryder. It's safe to say I consider you a friend for life." He smiled a bit. I felt like screaming.

"And do you think anything could change that?" I asked, biting my lip. He frowned again.

"Where is this coming from?"

I stayed silent. We stared at each other until he turned away. "I don't know. Maybe something happens and we have a fall out. Maybe I'll find you screwing my dad, who knows." I giggled, and he smiled at the sound. "But no matter what happens, we can't change the past and the great times we had together. And I will always respect you. Now, will you please tell me what the hell is going on?"

I opened my mouth to say something, but was cut off by an explosion. The aircraft base was seriously tilted. I gasped as it started falling down. I had to act.

"Connor, I'm so sorry", I whispered. Before he could even turn his head, I jammed a syringe in his neck and pushed the substance out. His eyes rolled over in his head and he fell unconscious. I got him out and dragged him behind a dumpster where nobody could see him. Then I got back in the SUV and started driving.

I felt tears fill my eyes, but I refused to let them fall. I felt guilty for leaving Connor there. For betraying him. He'd been the only person I considered a friend for 6 years. And I just left him all alone in a back alley. I knew the consequences to my actions. It could go one of two ways: he'd either be sent to medical for a bit; or he'd be punished for being stupid enough to let me do this. I was biting my lip so hard it started bleeding. I felt my blood on my tongue and shivered.

There was a huge crash as the base fell into the river. The streets were crowded and I leaned on the horn and scared everyone out of my way. My eyes stung and my entire body was shaking from adrenaline. As I was driving across the bridge, I noticed two people in the water. The Winter Soldier and Steve. I drove off the road and got to the shore.

Steve was laying on his back and Winter was hovering over him, breathless. I approached carefully.

"Bucky?", I called. He looked at me, surprised, and I could tell immediately that it was definitely him. "Can you help him?" He asked softly. I ran to them and kneeled next to Steve. It took me a minute to find his pulse. It was very weak, but it was there. I then put my hands on his chest and started pushing rhythmically. He started coughing out the water.

"He's alive", I told Bucky. He sighed, relieved. I gulped. "Bucky, we have to go." To my surprise, he just nodded and followed me. He was about to get in the car, but I stopped him. We hid far from where we'd left Steve, behind some trees.

Before we went anywhere else, we had to get the trackers out. I took Bucky's out with my pocket knife. He didn't even flinch when I cut him open. He did the same for me, and I patched us both up the best I could.

Bucky followed me without say. I held my gun close to my chest as we pushed through the crowd. First, we went to a thrift store, where we traded our clothes for some normal ones. I got Bucky and myself hair ties and baseball caps so we could hide our hair.

Next, we robbed a bank. I already felt like shit, but it had to be done. We needed the money. I took somebody's phone and dialed this guy Mike whom I met a few years back. He helped me with a mission back then. We arranged to meet and get fake passports. The good thing about Mike is that he doesn't ask any questions. And he's not a snitch. We had everything within an hour.

Lastly, we stole a car. It was a small grey Honda and it didn't attract any attention. "Where do we go now?" Bucky asked once we got on the highway. That was the first time he spoke since we left Steve. "I was thinking Europe. Hungary. Romania. Maybe Serbia. Some place lowkey, small and unpredictable", I replied. He just nodded. We drove in silence for a while until I broke it.

"What do you remember, Bucky?" I asked him. He didn't answer right away. I waited patiently.

"Just the outlines of my life before HYDRA. Growing up in Brooklyn. Steve. The war. Falling off a train." His voice was low and distant. "I remember you."

I raised my eyebrows, surprised. All the hard work, the whispers and sneaking around. He remembered. I couldn't help but smile a bit. "What about me?"

"You would come and talk to me. You were the only person who wasn't afraid of me. And you were always nice. You'd tell me about my past, but I'd forget. You used to smoke. Your name is Andrea Ryder."

I glanced at Bucky. He was looking at me and smiling softly. I smiled back. Relief finally washed over me. We succeeded. We escaped HYDRA. We had enough money for a nice new start somewhere far away. And the best part? I think I just made a new friend.

I Walk The Line (A Bucky Barnes Fanfiction)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara