Chapter 5

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Those 6 months had been tough. Since "Sarah" doesn't smoke, I couldn't smoke, so withdrawal was inevitable. I had to get used to new technology, since I'd been cut off from the real world for years. I had some medical knowledge from before my HYDRA days, but it wasn't enough, so I had to study. The worst part was having to deal with Ben.

To say he was an asshole would be an understatement. He was a sexist pig, self absorbed and rude. I mean, his password for everything was ILikeTits69. Doesn't get worse than that. But wait! It does! He was completely obsessed with me. After a month of dating he asked me to move in. I had to say yes, which made him even crazier. He was controlling and lowkey emotionally abusive. I didn't really give a shit, though. I focused on my mission.

I managed to uncover more than we'd originally planned. I hadn't told any of it to HYDRA yet. I gave them so little information that they we're thinking about replacing me. But I got them to leave me alone.

Life outside HYDRA, even with Ben, was pretty great. I actually got to go places - restaurants, movies, libraries... I could take sick days, little vacations away from everyone, even for only a day. And even though my paranoia never let me feel completely relaxed and safe, I was pretty content. Anything was better than being in a HYDRA base.

I thought about running away. Getting one tracker off was easy because it was in my watch HYDRA gave me. The other one was implanted in my forearm when I joined them, that was the tough one. I had to cut my arm open to get it out. And even if I did try to run, I'd be on their hitlist and they'd send Winter after me. Besides, that would mean I'd never see Bucky and Connor again.

I often thought of those two. I wasn't really able to get any details about how they're doing, but I knew they were both alive, at least. I even missed them a bit. I missed having a friend who understands me and I missed Bucky's calming presence.

But despite that, I kept telling HYDRA I needed more time. Truthfully, I collected all the info I needed and more within 5 months, since Ben was so easy to manipulate. Go ahead and call me selfish, I know I am. But after 6 years, I was somewhat free, even if it was just pretend, and I wanted it to last a tad bit longer.


It all changed out of nowhere, when Ben and I were walking around New York. It was a peaceful afternoon. I wasn't really paying attention to what Ben was talking about, but I'm sure it was football.

All of a sudden, a ton of people were running towards and past us, screaming bloody murder. We froze on the spot. Queue for giant flying metal alien creatures. There were at least two dozen of them, shooting at people, diving down and grabbing them just to throw them away from 30 feet up. I looked up to the sky, onlu to see a giant black hole right above the Stark tower, and a sea of those alien creatures basically pouring out if it. I was frozen still for a minute, unable to move or even breathe, until I noticed Ben was pulling on my sleeve to get me to go. I pushed him away swiftly. Instincts took over and I pulled my gun out of a secret compartment in my purse. His eyes widened, and just as he was about to ask about it, an alien dived towards us. I shot it down, then turned towards him. "RUN YOU FUCKING MORON", I screamed. He tried to grab my hand to pull me with him, but I jerked away and ran in the opposite direction, towards them.

I was yelling, urging people to get out of the way and hide. Managed to shot down a few of them. There was some kind of portal in the sky through which they were coming through.

"Sarah!", I heard Ben call after me. I turned around, aiming my gun towards him. He put his hands up in surrender, wide eyed. "Dude, you're such a fucking idiot", I told him. "Wanna get yourself killed?"

"I could ask you the same question." Before I could answer, an explosion from somewhere behind me made the ground shake. I was losing my patience. I needed to get to the HYDRA base across the city and get out.

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