Chapter 29

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Bucky and I decided not to tell anyone about us. Not because we had to, but as payback for spying on us that night during the party. It was fun seeing the guilt on Steve's, Wanda's and Natasha's faces when we walked in for breakfast the next morning as if nothing happened. Tony cornered me later that day to ask me about it. Steve also spent about half an hour apologizing to Bucky for ruining his night.

Frankly, it was quite thrilling sneaking around. Quick little pecks when no one was looking, secret glances, winks and smiles, sneaking off to each other's rooms at night to talk properly. It lasted for about a month, the thrill of it all, but after that, after we'd gotten used to it, it got hard keeping our hands off of each other. I almost slipped up a few times and called him babe in front of Clint.

The team noticed, too. As the glances and smiles became more often, so did the prying questions. I was starting to think my name isn't Andrea, but What's up with you and Barnes, that's how frequent they got.

I'd only had one boyfriend before, and that was Miles. We never showed any PDA, so I thought I'd be fine. But I wanted to show people Bucky was mine. It was so strange. I was never a show-off, I never really cared about that kind of stuff, but now... I wanted everybody to know that I was in a relationship with the most amazing person on Earth.

A month and a half after we'd got together, I sneaked into his room around midnight, like always. "I was thinking", I began as soon as I closed the door. Bucky put down the book he was reading and lifted the covers for me to get under. I rested my head on his collarbone while he placed his hand over mine on my stomach. I turned off the lamp, so the only light came from the moon outside. "Maybe we should tell them", I finally continued once I was settled in.

"You want that?" He asked.

"Do you?"

He chuckled. "Maybe Sam will finally stop flirting with you", he said, making me smile. I'd always see Bucky basically fuming whenever Sam jokingly flirted with me.

"It's Sam Wilson, he'll never stop", I said.

Bucky laughed. "More the reason for me to kick his ass."

"Wait a second", I straightened up a bit. "Are you jealous?" I teased him. He pulled me back down on his shoulder. "I don't want some prick flirting with my girlfriend, I think that's pretty reasonable." A wide smile appeared on my face as I felt my cheeks burn up. He hadn't called me his girlfriend before.

"It's pitch black in here and I can still see you blushing", he said, nudging me a bit. I rolled my eyes. "Shut up before I punch you, Barnes", I told him in a fake serious tone. I felt him silently chuckle. "Am I supposed to be scared of you now?" He asked.

"Yes", I pouted and snuggled even closer to him.


We accidentally fell asleep while talking. I'd usually sneak back to my room around 2am, but I didn't mind this. We agreed to tell the team, anyway. I woke up before Bucky. He slept with his arm over his eyes and mouth slightly open, letting soft snores escape. It was one of the rare nights when he didn't have a nightmare. I smiled at the sight of him sleeping peacefully, then kissed his cheek gently and got up to get some breakfast.

Natasha, Tony and Sam were already up and in the kitchen. Sam and Nat were talking about work out tips, while Tony typed something on his phone.

"Morning", I said loudly. Nat looked up from her cereal and frowned, a bit confused. "Hey", she said, her voice a bit questioning and unsure. She nudged Sam, who looked up at me and frowned too. They were staring at Bucky's shirt that I was wearing. I simply smiled and went to make some grilled cheese.

I leaned against the counter while waiting for the cheese to melt, opposite to the dining table, fully aware that Sam and Nat were staring, waiting for me to explain myself. I stayed silent.

After a few minutes, Bucky walked in. He simply nodded to Nat and Sam, then turned to me and smiled as he approached. "Mornin', doll", he said slowly, making my heart skip a beat and my stomach fill with butterflies. But that was nothing compared to when he wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer and giving me a little peck on the lips, right there and then, in front of Sam, Tony and Nat.

Sam choked on his cereal, while Nat's hand hung in the air, holding a spoon full of cereal, and she started at us wide-eyed. Sam was still coughing when Tony finally decided to look up from his phone. "If you puke, you'll clean it up", he told Sam casually, then turned to me and Bucky. He frowned, then looked at Nat, at Sam, then back at us. "What the hell happened?" Tony asked.

I shrugged. "He just randomly started choking", said innocently.

"Screw you guys", Sam said in between coughs.

Bucky smirked next to me. Our grilled cheese sandwiches were done, so I put one on both plates that stood on the counter, giving one to Bucky. We sat at the big kitchen aisle, facing the three. Natasha finally came back to reality. She leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms against her chest. "How long has this been going on?" She asked. Tony looked at her, confused. "How long has what been going on?"

"Them!" She said, pointing between Bucky and me. "About a month, probably more", Bucky replied, right before taking another huge bite. Sam still looked shocked. "Never thought I'd say this, but you're a lucky man, Barnes", he said without a hint of sarcasm or irony. He even smiled a bit at us, shaking his head as he turned back to his breakfast. I looked at Bucky, who was, to my surprise, also smiling. "I know", he said, nodding. He looked at me and smiled even more.

"Well that's cute", Tony said sarcastically before taking a sip of his coffee. "Can I call you two frost-bite? Get it? Cause he's Frosty and you're, well, kinda violent at times."

Bucky glared at Tony like he was about to rip him to pieces. I placed my hand on his shoulder and turned to Tony. "We don't care. Now, where's Steve?"

"He'll be here in about 10 seconds", Natasha replied instead of Tony.

"That's oddly precise."

No more than 10 seconds later, Steve ran into the dining room, all sweaty and out of breath. His eyes landed on Bucky and me and he blinked a few times. He didn't even notice that I'd said hi to him when he entered.

"Give him a second", Bucky said, yawning and stretching his arms up in the air, then, using the oldest trick in the book, he put his right arm around my shoulders.

Steve finally seemed to come back to reality. "You guys are together?" he finally asked. I nodded. "A bit, I guess."

Steve blinked again. "I'm happy for you but I'm also mad that you", he pointed his index finger at Bucky, "didn't tell me. But I'll forgive you."

The rest of the Avengers gathered in the kitchen within 5 minutes, probably thanks to Tony, who must've texted them all. The reactions were pretty much the same - they were shocked and angry we kept it a secret, but they were also happy for us.

"I knew something was up when you called him babe that one time", Clint said while sipping his coffee. Natasha glared at him. "She called him babe in front of you and you didn't think to tell me???"


That evening, Tony showed me and Bucky to our new room. He insisted we get the biggest one, since we'd be sharing it. It was a lot spacier than our previous ones, with a huge bathroom with two sinks, both a shower and a bath. We had a bigger closet, even though all our stuff together could barely fill a small one. The best part was, without a doubt, the view. One part of the wall was made entirely of glass, looking over New York.

"Holy shit, Tony. This is too much. Thank you", I said, still mesmerized by the view.

"No need to thank me. The walls are soundproof, so feel free to make as much noise as you feel like. There are some cuffs in the drawer I thi-", Tony was cut off by Bucky pushing him out and slamming the door.

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