Chapter 4

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I was sitting on my bed and reading when dear Dr Lascombe barged in. "Ever heard of knocking?" I muttered, not raising my eyes from the book. "You've a new mission, get up", he ordered. I casually flipped the page, still refusing to look at his fugly face. "I don't have a team. And before you say anything, I am not taking those idiots out on the field."

"This is a solo mission", he told me. That made me finally look up from the book. He continued. "We need you to go undercover." He explained how some guy named Ben had some key info for taking down some other guy. My task was to seduce him and get him to tell me everything, obviously. At least 6 months out in the field. It's as clichè as it gets.

"I don't do seduction. Hire an escort and wipe her memory after." I argued. I did not like the idea of being near someone new.

"You don't have a say in this, and my decision is final. You're going."

My first thought was Winter. In those 6 months, he'll probably forget everything again. I'd been trying to silently escape for 6 fucking years. Over time, it would take him less and less to memorize his name and the outline of his past. But a 6 month break probably meant starting from the beginning. Another 6 years. I realized later that I didn't even think about escaping until it was obvious that I couldn't. All I could think about in that moment was Winter and the fact that all the work I'd done in 6 years was for nothing.

"When do I leave?", I asked, giving up and returning to my book.

"A week."

I just sighed.

"Come on, we have to get you prepped", Lascombe said, opening the door and walking out. I lazily got up and followed him into the conference room.


"You? Undercover? Sounds like a really bad idea", Connor commented during lunch. I nodded.

"I really have no idea what that idiot is thinking, sending me out like that. But who knows, it might be fun being someone else", I said, trying to be at least semi-optimistic.

"Why you? You're supposed to be an assassin, and besides, they have plenty of agents. And now you have to fuck some random dude." I nodded again, and he continued. "So... I'm not gonna see you for 6 months, huh? We should make the best out of this week then."

I smiled. And I mean, a real smile, for the first time in... I don't even know. The fact that somebody's actually gonna miss me during my absence was kinda heartwarming.

"Let's meet at the gym in an hour, they're bringing more newbies, you can watch me beat the crap outta them", I said, getting up. "Why not now?" he asked. "I gotta check on Winter, I had to skip out this morning", I explained. Connor raised an eyebrow, then just nodded and let me go.


The week passed by very quickly. In between prep meetings and Winter, I'd spend every second with Connor. I guess you could say I actually had fun for a change.

Then, the day of my departure came. Lascombe told me I'm to leave after lunch. I got up and packed my stuff. It all fit in a small backpack. I then flushed my stash of pills that I was keeping for when I finally decide to give up and go out painlessly. After that, I headed to Winter's room.

I decided to spare him the facts of his past. He won't hear them for the next 6 months anyway. I decided to tell him that I'm leaving, just so I wouldn't feel guilty later.

"Hey, Winter?", I started, putting out a cigarette. "Someone new is gonna be coming to check on your arm." He frowned. "What about you?"

"I'm going on a solo mission. 6 months undercover, at least", I explained. He just nodded, still frowning.

"Well, uh", I got up and patted his shoulder. "I'll see you in 6 months, I guess." Goodbyes really aren't my strong suit.

Just before I walked out the door, he said: "Good luck on your mission, Andrea." I froze. He had never said my name before. I thought he'd forgotten it. I smiled. "Thanks Bucky", I said and left.


Connor was completely silent during lunch. I didn't try to talk to him, I didn't feel like it either.

I saw Lascombe walk through the door. It's time. I got up abruptly, and Connor followed. We faced each other. He pulled me into a tight hug. For a second, I didn't know what to do with my arms. My second hug in only a few months.

I finally hugged him back and we stayed like that for a minute or so. Lascombe coughed a bit, reminding us, me, to hurry up. We finally pulled away when Lascombe coughed again. I nodded a bit. "Try not to get yourself killed while I'm away, would you?" I said, pushing his healthy shoulder. "Same goes for you." He said, smiling.

During the ride to New York, I went over my new identity again.

"My name is Sarah Harvey. I'm a nurse. I don't smoke nor drink. I'm vegetarian and I work out 3 times a week. I'm smart, educated and kind, and I cry when a patient dies. I'm everything Ben Evans is looking for in a girl."

I hated that scenario with my whole body and soul. This person I was supposed to be - she was everything I'm not, and never want to be. And on that ride, I knew - it was gonna be long 6 months.

I Walk The Line (A Bucky Barnes Fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن