Chapter 18

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You know when you're having an extremely shitty day, and just as you think it could not possibly get any worse, it gets even shittier? This was one of those days.

First, I just couldn't fall asleep. My eyes refused to close and I spent good 2 hours staring at the ceiling and listening to Bucky's breathing. Just as I was falling asleep, Bucky woke up from yet another nightmare, so I had to stay up and comfort him.

Then, in the morning, after I'd had practically no sleep, I dropped a whole carton of eggs on the floor. I poured some cereal in a bowl, but realized too late that we had no milk left. Added bonus were the period cramps.

On top of all that, I let out all my frustration on Bucky and we had our worst fight yet. I guess the downside of us getting more comfortable with each other was that we didn't hold anything back. He'd stormed out to buy some groceries and cool off, and I was left in the apartment, alone.

I let out the rest of my anger through screams, muffled by my pillow. After I calmed down, I took some painkillers and decided to cook something nice for lunch, to apologize for my bitchy behavior.

I heard the front door open and close. Turning around, I expected to see Bucky. I had an apology prepared. But the person at the door wasn't Bucky.

"What the-" Captain America muttered when he saw me. I grabbed a knife from the counter and pointed it at him. "Get out. He doesn't need any more trouble. Ever." I spat. I couldn't make out his face behind the mask.

"You're that crazy girl who ran through the battle in New York", he said. I nodded slowly. "What's your name?" He asked. I thought about it for a few seconds. I wasn't sure if I could trust him. I didn't want any more trouble in my life. But this is Steve Rogers, Bucky's best friend. "Andrea Ryder", I finally said, lowering the knife.

"Andrea, they're after him, you know that. He can't stay here", Steve said, stepping closer.

I frowned. My heart was beating hard in my chest and my palms were sweaty. "What are you talking about?"

"You don't know?"

"Know what?!" I almost yelled. He sighed.

"Someone bombed the UN meeting in Vienna. They think it was Bucky. They're not planning on taking him alive."

My eyes widened. I felt panic spread through my body, making me shake. I didn't know what to say. I remembered the guns I stored in the bottom of the kitchen drawer. My mind was thinking of escape routes, strategies, anything.

"Just a second", Steve said, pressing his ear piece out of nowhere. His eyes met mine, and I could tell he was worried too. "The building is surrounded." He told me. Before I could even react to that information, he turned around. Bucky stood right behind him.

"Do you know me?" Steve asked.

"You're Steve", Bucky answered coolly. He glanced at me for less than a second. I immediately ducked and started digging through the drawers, taking out my guns and ammo. "I know you're nervous. And you have plenty of reason to be." I heard Steve say. "But you're lying."

"I wasn't in Vienna. I don't do that anymore", Bucky replied.

"Well, the people who think you did are coming here now. And they're not planning on taking you alive", Steve fought back.

"How about we stop wasting precious time and get the fuck out of here?", I asked loudly, peeking through the window. A SWAT team entered the building and there were police cars everywhere. "They're on the roof. I'm compromised", I heard a small voice from Steve's earpiece.

"This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck", Steve said. They were both just standing there, completely calm. I felt like screaming at both of them. "It always ends in a fight", Bucky said sadly, looking down. "5 seconds" was heard from Steve's earpiece.

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