The Billionaire's Housekeeper - Chapter 16

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Betsy opened her mouth to protest but the older woman shook her head. "I've known Nicky for decades. He's a good boy but he's had a tough time of it. Other than the children, you're the first person who has been able to make him smile and live his life in the last few years. He's been too wrapped up in his work. It's only gotten worse since Francesca passed. Rest her soul."

Betsy startled at the name. She knew the name of his dead wife. Everyone who read the glossies knew about the tragic story of how she died too soon. Yet, in the entire time she had been under the Davenport roof, she had never heard her name spoken aloud. It was as if everyone was afraid to say it. That by speaking her name everyone would be forced to relive her loss once more.

Catching the expression on her face, Ms Reed sighed sadly. "She was a good woman. She loved Nicky with all of her heart but they weren't in love. They were friends from when they were babies. Their parents always attended the same events. " She paused and stared at Betsy for several long moments. "You are a good woman too. I don't know what you have gone through, and I don't expect you to tell me, but you deserve to be happy too. I think Nicky's already half in love with you anyway."

Betsy blushed and looked away. She couldn't stop herself from reacting like a silly school girl. She wanted desperately to believe the woman's words. Hope was such a fragile thing.  She clung on to it with all she had. When she had stepped in for her sister, never had she believed that Nicholas Davenport would pay any attention to her. She wouldn't have wanted him to pay any attention to her when she first arrived.  Yet, after getting to know him, it was all she wanted.

Taking a deep breath, Betsy dropped a light kiss onto Tommy's head and steadfastly ignored the older woman's gaze.

"Come on, let's put the cakes in the oven and then we can get ready for the tea party. Your daddy should be home soon." The blonde said loudly – too loudly.

Delilah looked up. There were smears of cake mix on her cheeks but the girl had managed to distribute the rest of the mix evenly into the cases. Shaking her head, Betsy placed Tommy back on the floor.  He pouted but she ruffled his hair affectionately.

It took twenty minutes to get the children clean and presentable. The cakes had been left in Ms Reed's capable hands so she only hand to get herself ready before Nick was due home in ten minutes time. He had been meeting with the Giannopoulos board again. It appeared that the closer they got to signing a deal, the more of his time the deal demanded. She missed seeing him around the house but even though he appeared worn out whenever he arrived home, there was always something else lingering beneath the surface. Nick thrived on it – the challenge of making his business succeed.

Slipping into a light pink off the shoulder top and a pair of pale blue jeans, Betsy allowed her riotous curls to settle about her shoulders. Only a light coat of gloss on her lips and a touch of mascara finished off her look. She gazed at her reflection for several seconds, debating whether she would be able to change again.

"You look pretty," Betsy complimented as Delilah came to stand beside her.

In a bout of independence, the young girl had decided to dress herself. She had managed quite well  choosing a pale green dress and little white shoes but Betsy couldn't help but notice she had odd socks on. It was a valiant effort. 

"Come on, your daddy will be home soon."" Betsy stated, taking her hand and leading her through the maze of the house. "And I'm sure he's going to love your surprise tea party.

"It's not just my tea party." Delilah replied, shaking her head to remove a few strands of auburn hair from her eyes. "You helped too."

Betsy shook her head and let out a little laugh, covering it with a cough when the young girl looked up at her quizzically.  After a few seconds she looked away again, obviously deciding that adults were just a bit weird.

The Billionaire's Housekeeper (Betsy Jones Book 1) - UneditedOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant