I don't want you

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Eren's POV

It all happened so quickly. One minute I was watching Levi leaving the warehouse and the next I was outside Erwin's apartment regretting all of my previous decisions. I didn't love Erwin. Hell, I didn't even like the guy. And yet here I was, either going spend the night or live in this building permanently.

Erwin was on the phone, talking to my parents about how I had volunteered for some 'Rangers work' as he was calling it. This apparently meant that I couldn't stay at my own house and had to stay out of town for a while. Luckily I was still going to be going to my school so I wouldn't have to explain anything to my friends. Even though I could still see Armin, Jean, Mikasa and the others, it didn't feel right. I just wanted to be having a lazy day with Levi at home. I just wanted this to all be over.

I walked inside Erwin's house, nausea washing over me. I might have thrown up if he hadn't distracted me. He looked at his watch which in turn made me look at my own; 10:33pm. Erwin took hold of my hand and lead me into the bathroom. He wouldn't allow to change myself into my pyjamas or clean my own teeth. I felt horrible. My naïvety had lead me to believe that Erwin would set me up in the guest bedroom which I had spotted on my tour around the house. Nope. Instead, he lifted me up -much to my horror- and snuggled with me against his chest.

He fell asleep instantly. I on the other hand lay awake for hours, the regret piling up. Once I was certain that Erwin was in the deepest sleep he could be, I stood, being careful not to knock anything over. Luckily for me, Erwin had loosened his grip on me whilst he slept, meaning I didn't struggle to escape from the bed. All of the doors were locked with some sort of security pad and as I hadn't been able to get a good look at the password there was no point in guessing. I turned my attention to the open window which I had spotted earlier in the kitchen. It would be a tight squeeze, but at this point I was willing to do anything.

I grabbed my rucksack which had been returned a few hours after I'd arrived here. It felt like it had been years since I had packed it, ready to rescue Levi, in reality it had been 2 or 3 days. Everything was still in there, barring the food which had gone rotten. I refilled it and made for the window. Then I hesitated. Even though Erwin had technically kidnapped me it didn't mean I shouldn't leave him a quick note. Aware of the time, I began:

To Erwin,

I'm not sure what to say. I wish I could say 'I love you' or something but I would be lying if I did. Maybe you'll find someone else, either in this life or another. I doubt you'll find someone in prison though. Who knows, maybe you will surprise me. I am going to turn you in, even I'm not stupid enough to let you escape the police's grasp. In fact, I expect you'll be reading this note inside the police van. I just want to say; I'm not sorry and I don't love you. Goodbye - Eren

I finished it, unsure of what else to say. It didn't matter, he was a criminal and a kidnapper. He was the bad guy, not me. I carefully placed the note and then called the police as I jumped out of the window. As I walked away I could hear the sirens closing in around the house. I was finally free.

A/N hi hi, apologies if this seemed a little bit rushed but I HAVE NEWS. Okay, so
1) this story will be finished pretty soon, possibly the next chapter or so.
2) there WILL NOT be a sequel to this, mainly because I never finish them and I wouldn't have any ideas to write about.
3) I am going to start writing some Sherlock imagines (with other characters too). I think this will work because each chapter will be a completely different storyline (give or take) so I might be able to update it more frequently. There will be more details once I have written the intro to the imagines.
Anyways bai bai for now and I will see you guys in the next chapter. 👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻

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