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Eren's POV

I had woken up in this pastel coloured room and so far no one had come in. There was no sign of Levi which was probably for the best. After another hour or so Erwin entered looking quite pleased with himself. I diverted my attention, not wanting to see the man who'd had his lips on my man. Or rather who was my man.

Erwin came closer to me, still smiling like an idiot. His rough hands grabbed my chin; making me look at him. He chuckled slightly. "Are you resisting me?" He asked in a slow honey like voice. I decided to give him the silent treatment. It was his fault just as much as Levi's. I watched with narrowed eyes as he clicked his fingers and one of his minions came scurrying forward with a chair. He sat down heavily and sighed. "I'm sorry about what you saw, I tried to stop it." Without realising it, I was letting my guard down little by little. Erwin continued to speak, "I was just telling him that I had brought him here to tell him that I didn't like him the way that he likes me." My eyes widened at this news.
"Yes, that's right, he told me awhile ago in the scout hut that he loved me. I turned him down again and again but it was no use. The only way I could see that would get him to see sense was if I brought him here. That's when he kissed me and you walked in."

I was having difficulty digesting this news and felt faint. My vision was wavering again but I couldn't let it, I didn't want to be the weakling who couldn't take of himself. I hadn't even noticed I was falling until Erwin ran and caught me from behind. I looked up at his panicked face and couldn't help but feel almost important. Slowly I worked up the courage to speak and asked, "Erwin, d-do you l-l-like me? As in l-love me?" I mentally cursed myself at my stupid stutter which seemed to have appeared from nowhere. He grinned and then blushed. "Why? Do you like me?" Technically I didn't but when I thought about how Levi had just been playing with me this whole time it made me want revenge. So I nodded.

Erwin stood and took my hand, leading me down winding corridors until we reached a room that was at lot more dull then the pastel room I had been in before. He opened the door and beckoned me to enter. Inside was a large piece of glass splitting the room half and half. On the side I was standing in there were two chairs, whilst on the opposite side there was only one. Unfortunately this chair was containing Levi. Erwin sat me down and then took the seat near mine.

"Eren, if you truly love me, then please kiss me right now." I heard Erwin say, although it sounded distant. My head nodded, not focuses properly. I thought about how Levi hadn't really loved me, just pretended to for my own sake. Anger filled my mind and I found myself leaning forwards to kiss Erwin. Our lips connected but I didn't feel any fireworks that I had with Levi. It didn't matter, they would come in good time.

A/N hi hi, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. As usual you could give me some suggestions on aspects that you want to see next. Thank you so much for 300 views it means a lot. Anyways, bai bai for now!

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