Back to school

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Eren's POV

"EREN YOU'RE GONNA BE LATE!" My mum called from downstairs.
"COMING" I yelled back, and grabbed my bag from the corner of the room. Rushing downstairs two at a time I arrived and grabbed my cereal. Mikasa raised an eyebrow but made no comment on my entrance. I finished eating and placed my bowl by the sink before throwing on my coat and walking out the door.
"Bye mum." I said quickly and stumbled out onto the street.

The school gates were packed full of people trying to bustle their way through. When I reached them it was like Moses parting the Red Sea as they all let me through. Some wolf whistled. I rolled my eyes, looked around for any of my friends and spotted Levi dithering near a bench, unsure of where to go. I picked my way through the crowd and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around startled.
"You look a little lost." I said truthfully. He scowled.
"Whatever brat, can you just help me?" I grinned and began giving him directions.
"Did you get that?" I asked him, kind of hoping for him to say no.
"Nope." He replied lazily. I raised by eyes heavenwards and grabbed hold of his arm and tugged him through the doors into the school.
"It doesn't matter, you're in the same lessons as me. Look we both have art first in T3 so look lively." I said bossily, loving that I had this power.
"Tch, brat." He drawled. Sighing, I lead him into the classroom and sat down, gesturing for him to do the same. He rolled his eyes at me and plonked himself in the chair next to mine. The teacher welcomed us all and told us to get out our notepads as we were going to be doing freestyle drawing. Yay.

A/N sorry if that wasn't as long as you want it. As it didn't seem very long to me I am going to update again! Wow twice in one day, where has my social life gone? (what social life?) anyways I am gonna try and update daily so sorry if I forget. bai bai

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