Leave me alone

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Eren's POV

It had taken ages following the van that contained the love of my life. I was lucky that it wasn't moving at a quick pace. This was when I remembered that I was afraid of the dark. Not the dark itself, but the things that lurked within it. Shadows prowled around me, almost waiting for me to burst out in fear and run home. I wasn't going to though, I had to keep going for Levi and rescue him. The van began to incline steadily; it was picking up pace. Keeping out of sight, I ran lightly after it, making sure I kept it in view. After a couple for minutes it halted and around 5 men leapt out of the back, whilst others clambered down from the front of the vehicle. How had they all managed to fit in there? Focus Eren. The shapes stopped moving after a while, indicating that they had entered the warehouse that loomed menacingly in front of me. I had to grip my courage with two hands just to give myself the willpower to continue.

The brass door squealed horribly as I fought to open it. What a cliche. The lobby that I had walked into was dim, meaning I could see none of my surroundings . Although I couldn't hear anything suspicious or unusual, I knew better than to use my torch. For now I would have to use my own senses. I crept down a long corridor, peering into decimated rooms. Nothing. Sudden noise broke out upon my ears. Was that the sound of a whip?in my hurry to reach the door I sent a pile of wooden crates scattering to the ground. I froze. Did they hear that? "Of course they did Eren you idiot," I mentally scolded my self. I wasn't deterred by this new problem though, and sneaked to the door that was slightly ajar. I tried to remember if it had been before. My mind was blank.

I cautiously opened the door wider, inch by inch. My eyes were blinded suddenly by the intense lighting in the room. As my eyes slowly adjusted to the bright lights, I could see two shapes moving inside the room. One was quite small and appeared to be on a chair, the other was tall, not massively tall, but tall compared to the first shape. "Was that Levi?" My brain asked. My vision cleared, and there I saw them. Erwin and Levi. Kissing. I tried to speak but my mouth was void of any sounds so I just ran back down the corridor. Erwin and Levi were kissing. Something lurched out of the gloom, sending me sprawling on the floor. A sharp pricking sensation came over me and my sight wavered and then blurred. Erwin and Levi were kissing.

A/N hi hi, hope you enjoyed this new chapter. Make sure to leave me some feedback in the comments section to help me improve my work . You could suggest characters that you want to see later on in the plot. Thank you so much for 250 reads, bai bai for now.

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