Looking after him

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A/N hi hi, just wanted to say that I'm not sure when I will next update but hopefully soon. This might be my last be my next update for a while, if not then yay but idk. Anyways here is the chapter.

Eren's POV

I had been kept back after lesson. Again! I hadn't really done anything wrong this time, I just didn't fully understand the work. I watched as Levi exited the classroom without waiting for me. Maybe he hadn't noticed that I hadn't left yet. Meanwhile I got to endure and 1hr of extra lessons in Maths. Fabulous.

*one hour later*

I thanked the teacher one last time and rushed out of the classroom. The grounds were deserted. I walked swiftly out of school and began making my way towards my home. Mikasa was outside looking like thunder. Uh oh.
"Eren, where have you been?" Mikasa said sweetly. Mikasa saying anything nice was always a danger sign.
"Um, I had to stay back after class."
"For and hour." She asked, her voice becoming sharper. I took a deep breath, grasped my courage in two hands and stood up for myself.
"Yes Mikasa! For an hour. Why do you have to know where I am all the time? I am 16 not 6 so stop going on about it." I said quickly and barged past her into the house, leaving her speechless on the doorstep.

Dinner was a tense affair what with our Mum not paying attention to us, Mikasa still shocked at my rant and me still not wanting to talk to her. When I had finished I stood up and said,
"I'm going out, don't know when I'll be back so don't bother to call me." Then I swept out of the room and left the building. I needed fresh air so I started to walk towards the park near school. As I got closer I began to hear stifled sniffs. Was someone crying behind the wall? I crept closer and came to face to face to Levi. His face was streaming with tears. I didn't ask him what was wrong, instead I just squatted down and hugged him.

A/N hi hi, sorry if this chapter doesn't make sense or is a bit rubbish but I wasn't sure what to write. Anyways bai bai for now.

Better Than A Badge (LeviXEren)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt