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A/N hi hi, just letting you know that this story will be nearing an end. Not straight away obviously as I still have some ideas but there might not be very many chapters left. I would give you a number but I'm not sure myself . Anyways on with the story.

Levi's POV

I couldn't remember much of what happened after I watched Eren and Erwin kissing. I hadn't been drugged again because I would have remembered my vision fading. Erwin was stood in front of me, talking to his henchman. His attention was then turned to me and he spoke aloud in his deep voice.

"Well then it's settled Levi. You will be returned home whilst Eren will live with me in my apartment. Lucky for you he will still be attending Wall Rose school." His words past over me in a daze. School, it felt so distant and surreal. It was hard to believe that it had only been two days. It had felt like a lifetime.

I turned to leave, when Erwin placed a hand on my shoulder."Oh and Levi-" he warned "-if you get any ideas of telling teachers, friends or Eren's family, I will see to it that you are personally destroyed. What friends? I thought to myself miserably. There were always Eren's friends but I doubted he would let me near them.

Erwin finally let go of my arm and ushered me out of the door. There was only half an hour before I had to get to school so I rushed home and cleaned up as many bruises as I could. Most of them could be covered by my clothes but as some were on my face I had to use my Mum's concealer. I was ready.

~time skip because laziness~

The school building was full of laughter and excited chatter as friends caught up with each other and discussed what they had done at the weekend. Instead of talking to Eren like I wanted to, I stared at the concrete floor waiting for lessons to begin.

Eventually it rang out its familiar cry, causing students to groan and haul themselves up from their comfortable positions on the benches. I wasted no time and was inside the building in seconds. Eren wasn't here yet which was a blessing. I got out my maths supplies and focused on the lesson taking place. In 5 minute late fashion Eren waltzed in, taking his place at the desk furthest from me. Great. I noticed that he was subdued during the subject; not looking at me once. I wasn't surprised.

Once lesson was over he rushed to the door with all the other students jostling to get out. I found it strange that the boy who had once been the centre of attention was now being pushed aside by people in years below him. Soon it was just me and him in the classroom. I walked up to him, tapping his shoulder. His gaze turned molten.

"I have nothing to say to you." He stated and turned to leave. I grabbed his arm.
"Please Eren, you don't understand. Erwin is manipulating you, using you as his toy." My pleads seemed to go unheard as he struggled in my grip.
"Levi, let go of me, I think you've hurt me enough already." This made me see red and I slammed the door, stopping him from opening it.
"Do you think for one second that I would have been playing you? Really?! How could you believe him?" I said whilst raising my voice. Something flickered through his eyes. What was it? Regret? Guilt? Confusion? Hatred? Slowly I sighed and stepped back, opening the door.
"I see-" I spoke softly "-you really do hate me."

With that I left him standing there in the classroom, a dazed look across his face. Maybe one day I could forgive him and vice versa. Or maybe he had been manipulated too much already. I closed the thought, not wanting to think about it. The idea that Eren and I might never get along terrified me but it didn't matter. Nothing mattered at the moment. So long as he had listened to me. Only time would tell.

A/N hi hi, apologies if the ending was a bit rushed, it was my life mission to make this reach 700 words (I don't know why) which means parts of it may not make as much sense as I want them to. Thank you all for reading and I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Bai bai for now.

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