Where are you?

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Eren's POV

I had to say goodbye to Levi. It wasn't fair, his father could yell and abuse him yet he would be allowed Levi back eventually. If I ever hurt Levi in any way then I might never be able to see him again. Blood really is thicker than water.

I smiled at him, trying to tell myself that he'd be okay. It was a pathetic attempt.
"I'll wait until you're safely inside." I heard myself say. I leant down and kissed him on the cheek, it seemed to calm me a little bit. He smiled at me,
"See you soon." He whispered, and made his way down the path. I watched him like a hawk as he crossed the road and knocked on his door. It swung open and he stepped, in not once looking back at me. His father closed it forcefully, leaving me standing outside alone.

It had been only 5 hours since Levi had returned home and yet I felt so lonely. My mum noticed the change in my behaviour and tried to cheer me up by cooking my favourite dinner and making me hang out with Mikasa. She just thought that I was missing having a friend round, she didn't know that we were much more than that.

Later that night I climbed into bed and settled down. Unfortunately my anxiety wouldn't let me rest and instead mixed up my thoughts and emotions, making me really confused. I couldn't deal with the confusion anymore so sat up and reached for my radio. Classical music floated from the speakers. Sure it wasn't my kind of music but it distracted me. A car droned in the distance. It wouldn't come down our street because it was quite narrow and difficult to navigate in the dark. I read by the light of my lamp for a 10 minutes or so when I realised that the car noise was coming closer. It stopped outside Levi's house. What the heck?

I got out from underneath the duvet and crept to the window. Through the darkness I saw shapes moving around, some staying near the van whilst others entered Levi's house. A couple of minutes the shapes emerged from the house carrying something. I squinted at the dark mass that they were holding. It looked like.... What was that? A thought swirled around my mind. No, I didn't want to think like that. And yet the more I thought about it, the more the shape appeared to look like it. Was it Levi? I scrambled from my position at the window and grabbed a bag. I stuffed clothes and a torch inside and then crept out of the room. No sounds of movement from my Sister's room or my Parent's. I continued on my way down the stairs and reaches the kitchen. I took some fruit and other foods that didn't need to be kept in the fridge and then headed for the back door. I snuck out and listened to the van slowly pull away. It was time to follow it. Levi, I'm coming.

A/N hi hi, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Don't panic it will move on from the same scene, I just wanted to add in some different POV's from characters of the same scene (does that make sense?) anyways, bai bai for now.

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