Chapter Twenty-Seven: Dinner Mishaps and Other Disasters.

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(A/N: Ugh, that last chapter was so pathetically written -.-“ Sorry about that; I had severe Writer’s Block again. It’s been happening to me a lot lately, which really sucks. I’m just glad I was able to write them out of the Soul Society. Alright, so the beginning of this chapter’s gonna be from Ichigo’s point of view, so without further ado, hereeeeeeeeeee’s Ichigo!)

** Oh, P.S: Edo Period Towns were towns from about 250 years ago in Japan. Think of it as the Medieval Times Overseas, but that really all depends on where you’re living.

** P.P.S: Obsequious means “highly attentive to”. But who knew Kon knew such a big word?

 Introducing the Shinigami Illustrated Picture Book!

                                                                   Yep, that’s right; starting at the end of this chapter and so forth, you’ll be seeing them in script form, and even though I enjoy writing in story format, it’s quicker this way, and easier to show the emotions of those who’re speaking!

Abaron: Is this really necessary?

Me: Don’t sass your creator or I’ll delete you.

Abaron: O_O

See? Now, on with the story!

Ichigo’s POV~ Kurosaki Household~

I stared out the window, trying to un-blur my vision so I could see. Once I could, I glared over at the alarm clock and switched it off. I sighed and looked around.

“That’s right… I came back home.” It all felt like one big, crazy dream—going to the Soul Society, saving Rukia, all of it. It was surreal that such a place even existed. I’m just glad I can take a break from all that and—

GOOD MORNING, ICHIIGOOOOOO!!” I slid out of my bed at the bottom, at the same moment that my idiot dad flew through the window. He screamed when his head (and the rest of him) slammed into the floor. I started coughing from all the dust he brought up. Maybe I should clean my room a little…

“Well, you’ve certainly improved, Ichigo,” he said, jumping up into a crouch. “I’m impressed you were able to ward off my wonderful ‘Welcome Home!’ kick!”

“Shut up,” I grumbled, pulling my undershirt up over my head. It’s way too early for me to be dealing with this. He sprung up from the ground and grinned.

“Don’t think you can avoid my crazy—“ I kicked him in the face, cutting him off.

It’s too much noise this early in the morning!

“Ichigo, Dad, breakfast is ready!”


“Dad...? What happened to your face?”
“Never mind!” He turned away from Yuzu and started eating—well, if you consider shoving scoopfuls of rice into your mouth as fast as you could ‘eating’.

“Oh, by the way, Ichigo,” Karin lowered the chopsticks from her mouth. “Have you been working out lately?” I tightened my grip on the bowl in my hands. Oh, no. “I noticed yesterday you got a few muscles.”

“Wow, whaddyah know?” I grinned, hoping she wouldn’t press the subject. “H-how about you guys? I heard they piled up the homework this summer! Have you finished it yet?”

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