Chapter Three: Willing and Able.

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Chapter Three: Willing and Able.

To make up for the short Chapter Two, Chapter Three is going to be a lot longer, and I mean a lot.

????'s POV~ 

When I had collapsed in the streets, Shūhei brought me to Kurotsuchi’s lab, despite my lack of wanting to go. I was enjoying walking around the city with him-- it was peaceful, how quiet it really was, considering its large size. There were a lot of cherry blossom trees in the private courtyards; the only problem was that they were private, and on one of them, we were caught by one of the captains, who hadn’t been all that happy about us disturbing him. It was my fault, though. I told Shuhei to bring me there, because I could smell the flowers.

The room I was in was really dark. It was difficult to stay awake because it was making me so drowsy. That, and the drip they had me attached to through an IV, so that my ‘spirit energy’ would be stabilized during the treatment. Another thing I was attached to; a machine that connected to the back of a screen that was on the wall. The cords were these little sticky things they put all over my body. They had to brace my wrists and ankles with a thing called ‘kidō’, in case the treatment went wrong.

My eyes had begun to droop when the door burst open, with Kurotsuchi, Unohana, Hanataro, the girl with the orange hair, Shūhei, and two other men that I didn’t know, filing inside.

“Don’t fall asleep on us now,” the man with the brown hair told me. He wore this straw hat and pink floral robe that made his first impression as a ‘laid-back kind of guy’. “You’ll be back to yourself in no time.” I nodded, as if I actually knew what that meant.

“Are you ready?” Unohana asked, putting her hand on my forehead.

“Yeah, I’m ready.” They had already gone through on what they were going to do, and how the procedure would go. Since my soul chain and soul sleep was fixed, they could start it earlier than just waiting two more days. I’d have to be asleep for it to work. The drug that’s in the drip would do that for me in no time, but they wanted it to take it slow, so my body could get used to it while I slept. The sticky things that were attached to me that are attached to the screen are connected to my nerve endings that are connected to my brain. The cords will transfer searched images from my brain and project them onto the screen. Whatever I see, they will, too. The images on the screen will determine what will happen from there.

“I’m going to release the rest of the drug. It is just a sedative that has been modified. You’ll be asleep in about two minutes.” I watched her pinch the clamp that was on the tube that was releasing the drug. She took it off and it began to flow thicker than before. I could already feel myself going out. I held on, so I could hear anything they had left to say to me.

“So, you don’t know anything at all yet?” the man with the white hair asked me. In some way, he looked kind of sick. There were large bags under his eyes that suggested that he hadn’t slept in over thirty years.

“Um, no… n-not really,” I was already slurring, the medicine having gotten into my system. I blinked, forcing myself to stay awake. The man smiled, saying, “Don’t fight it; the sooner, the better.”

I sunk deeper into the pillow that was underneath my head, feeling my heart rate slow and my temperature get colder. It was weird; I had a strange hunch, thinking that I might die.

“You’ll be okay,” Shūhei said to reassure me. I smacked my lips, finally feeling the full strength of the drug entering my system.

“Hey,” said a voice near my ear. It was the girl with the orange hair. “I’ll see you soon... Abaron.”

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