chapter eighteen.

Start from the beginning

Bobby fired another shot at Lucifer but it didn't seem to affect him.
"Bobby, run. Please!" Monica shouted but it was too late. With a flick of Lucifer's wrist, Bobby's neck snapped and he crumpled to the floor.

"Nooo" Dean shouted lunging at Lucifer. But she got there quicker. Grabbing the bloodied angel blade she swiped at Lucifer. He ducked, but the edge of the knife caught on his leg, cutting it open. He grimaced before stopping short, turning and grabbing her injured hand. She involuntarily dropped the blade, Lucifer swiftly catching it.
"You could've achieved greatness....Now you'll just be another death in millions...I might got to your sister next...after I've finished with Dean" he said. She struggled, about to speak when he plunged the blade into her chest.

Dean's scream sounded muffled. All she could think about was bedroom, for some reason. As she fell to the ground, she thought of the night she left home. She hadn't cleaned her room. Had her mother left things as it was? Hoping she'd come back? Or was she really forgotten by everyone other than the Winchesters. She weirdly enough couldn't feel the pain anymore. There was this tugging feeling that she was needed. But all she wanted was this effortless, painless feeling. Her doubts unravelling before as she travelled further and further away from where she should be.

She needed to be somewhere, but for the life of her she couldn't remember. Words kept floating around her like a kaleidoscope.
"The girl was just standing next to Baby when I saw her"
"Me and Dean's number..."
"In case you need us"
"You're not weak, Monica"
"Powerful....more than I've ever known"

"Do you really want it? For it to be over?"

"S o r r y"

Suddenly everything was loud and screechy. Monica groaned as she rolled her body, pulling out the blade. She bit down on her lip to suppress a scream of agony.She was bleeding but not dead, thankfully. Not thinking how that could be she looked up to see Lucifer about to give the killing blow to Dean. His mind is open. She raised her hand, closing her eyes and embraced the sucking feeling.

Hundreds of memories flooded through her mind, emotions she didn't know Sam felt. She could feel his presence next to her but invisible. She could feel Lucifer raging inside Sam, trying to push back.

"Powerful...more than I've ever known"
She pushed back at Lucifer, knowing she was the stronger one. Keep fighting, Sam. Hit after hit, she fought to keep Lucifer back. One memory flashed bright in his mind, almost too bright. They were hunting, it was Dean helping Monica down the rocks towards the town where War had been. That was love she was seeing in Sam...for her. But longing too, and something else. Almost jealousy. She saw herself smiling at Dean before turning to Sam. A memory that felt like it had happened centuries ago.

"It's okay Dean. Monica...we got him. Its gonna be okay...both of you. I've got him. Monica, I've got him" he said talking to her directly. She paused before letting go. Her wound had closed up but she was still in agony. Looking up she saw Sam holding up the rings.
"Bvtmon tabges babalon." he said before throwing them on the ground. Her vision was blurred by tears as she nodded to him.
"It's okay Sam" she said, reassuring him. Sam glances back at Dean before stepping forward.
"Sam! It's not gonna end this way. Step back!" Michael said, appearing again.
"You're gonna have to make me!" Sam shouted. He looked back at Monica one last time.

"I have to fight my brother, Sam! Here and now. Its destiny" Michael shouted. Sam ignored him and turned to the opening of the cage. Just as Sam spread his arms, about to go Michael lunged forward.Monica sat up slightly watching in shock as both Michael and Sam disappeared. In a flash of light the opening closed up, leaving the rings glowing slightly before everything went back to normal. Castiel appeared next to her and touched her forehead. Looking down she saw her top was still blood stained but the pain had gone. She let him help her up before going to Dean. She looked at the space where Sam once was and breathed.

"Endings are hard.Any chapped-ass monkey with a keyboard can poop out a beginning, but endings are impossible. You try to tie up every loose end, but you never can. The fans are always gonna bitch. There's always gonna be holes. And since it's the ending, it's all supposed to add up to something. I'm telling you, they're a raging pain in the ass."

The sound of a car driving towards them brought her to her senses. She saw her backpack neatly placed at the foot of a tombstone and grabbed it before looking up.
"Monica!" Amber said, jumping out of the car just as it pulled up. She stood near Dean and watched as her sister ran towards her, grabbing her into a tight hug. She could feel her sister start to cry as she hugged her back. She would keep it together, Monica told herself.
"Amber, what are you-" she said before Amber looked at Dean and Castiel.
"These are the Winchesters you were talking about?" she asked. Monica looked down as Dean spoke.
"Winchester...I'm Dean. This is Cas.....he's just a friend" he said, holding out a hand. Amber didn't shake it.

"Where's the other one?" she asked Monica. Dean glanced at Monica and coughed.
"He's gone....Amber I need to speak with Dean quickly" she said. Amber looked at her for a while before touching her cheek.
"You've grown up" she said quietly before walking back to stand near the car. As soon as her sister was out of earshot, she hugged Dean.
"What do we do now?" she said into his shoulder. He pushed her back slightly and looked at her with a blank expression.
"You go with your sister" he stated simply. She stared at him in shock.
"Dean-"she started moving forward before he pushed her back again.
"Go, Monica! Get out of here. Go and live your happy, normal life.......Sam would've wanted it" he said, his voice breaking as he finished.

"I don't want to live that life without him. We can find a way to-" she started but Dean just shook his head and got into the Impala. She tried to open the door but he swiftly locked it.
"Open the door. Dean, open the door!" she shouted, pounding her fist against the glass. Suddenly arms pulled her back as the Impala jolted backwards. She watched as Dean swerved past Amber's car and drove off, her sister holding her back. Castiel had disappeared and she was alone.
"Come Monica, its okay" Amber said, putting an arm around her and taking Monica's backpack as they went to the car.

The drive home was in silence. Monica had no idea where Amber was currently living but she knew they were reaching the city.

"When we get home, I want you to tell me everything. From the beginning...I saw that man just disappear, I had to deal with crazy black eyed people just to get to you. Thank goodness that old man helped" Amber said.
"That was probably Bobby" she mumbled. Amber glanced at her but said nothing. Monica looked through her bag before her fingers brushed on a piece of paper. Bringing it out she looked at it to see the writing. It was one simple message from Sam:

I love you

And only then did Monica start to cry. Because she'd never gotten the chance to say those words to Sam.

Author's Note:

Wow. Double update btw! That was painful to write but I'm glade the Apocalypse is over. Monica will be more sassy after this...and possibly a little cold to the Winchesters??? Who knows! 

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