Chapter 17

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Fliss' P.O.V.

I'll take that back. It definitely was NOT easy. I had to sprinkle that dust every once in a while, just to make sure she doesn't punch somebody. It only got better when she saw Aaron.

"Hey Aaron."


"Erm, is anything going on?"


"Do you want to walk me to the cafeteria for a sandwich?"

"Nah. I'm playing football, remember?"

"Do you still love me?"

"Yeah, of course I do."



This time, the EPs, ( whatever they are, fairies or witches or monsters) had almost won. She locked herself from the outside world that day. She pretended to be a person she wasn't. And that is definitely sad.

Joey's P.O.V.


Smile, check.

Happy on the outside, check.

Tell the world I'm happy. Check. 

Let's do it.

"HEY, OMG YOU KNOW WHAT?" I met Hillary and Elise hanging out at their "usual spot".


"Aaron is leaving me!!! I'm FREEEEEE !! I'M SEXY FREE & SINGLE WOOHOOO!!"

"O-kay.." Elise gave me a very doubtful look, while Hillary just smiled. She's an easy target. I smirked. That's what I like about her.

"I'm sooooooo happy!!" 

"Good for you."

I walked around the school, feeling a little depressed with the fact that everyone was asking me where Aaron was. 

"Where's your boyfriend?"

"Where's Aaron?"

"Did you see Aaron?"

Finally I snapped. "WELL HOW WOULD I KNOW I'M NOT HIS DOG?!" Everyone got the clue and kept quiet, getting on with their lives. And leaving me here. So I left them as they were, and got on with my own life. I locked everyone out for the rest of the day, using the same excuse I've used for years: "I'm tired. I slept at 3 last night." I rested my head on the table, wrapping my head with my white, cotton jacket, breathing in the fresh, soothing smell of soap powder.

The rest of the day was a blur. I was in a zombie state during classes, and "happy" state with my friends. 

 At night

Aaron still haven't texted me yet. I've been checking my phone every few seconds, just waiting for that special text to come.  Uptill 11pm, I still didn't give up. My imagination was going wild at that time and I stared to imagine things.

Maybe he was chatting with another girl?

Maybe he went out and left his phone at home?

Maybe he came back and didn't text me because he thought I was sleeping?

Maybe... I should stop wondering.

 The clock struck midnight, and I gave in. I'll go insane if I continue waiting like this. I opened Whatsapp and texted him.

"Why didn't you text me all day :'("

He replied after a long ten minute time gap.

"Oh sorry babe I went out."

"Do you still love me?"

"Yeah. And I will always love you. Forever. I promise."

"Okay. I love you too xD"

"Love ya. Goodnite :)"

"Goodnight. <3"

(Author's note: I know it's cheesy but whatever :p)

Aaron's P.O.V.

Anyway, after texting her my phone vibrated. I checked my menu bar. Oh, Violet whatsapped me. She's, ah, what you call it? My "other" sweetheart.

"Hi Aaron"

"hey Violet, my sweetheart"

"That silly girl still sticking to you?"

"Yep. Cant get her off my tail."

"Do u like me more than u like her?"

"of course I do :)"

"i'm glad u do. Goodnight baby."

"goodnight sweetheart."

Woah woah people called it being a fag/ cheating, but I don't really care anyways. I'm already bored of Joey, with her shy ways and not being open enough. She isn't willing to hug me back when I hug her, hold my hand and even put my hand on her shoulder. See what I'm talking about? I'm tired off her shy ways. But I still have a secret guilt: I LOVE basking in all the attention she gives me. You don't get such loyal followers for yourself everyday, not even on Instagram!

P.s. I'm arrogant and I know it ;)

Abel's P.O.V.

My break time is different from Fliss. Mine is at 11-12. As I was browsing through all the different colours of headphones at the mall my phone sounded an alarm. Fliss panicked when She heard the alarm (we spoke a lot at the school ) , but not me. What She didn't know was that only the phone's owner can hear it. As long as anybody else doesn't hear it, I don't really give a shit. Who cares if he's doing something bad? Not that it hurts me or something anyway. In fact, I love a person who can occasionally break the rules here and there, like Aaron. If I were mortal, I would be his mate. And now you ask me why I got to be a guardian angel? I don't know. Maybe because the Court is too stupid. Whatever.

When my break ended, I was back in Aaron's room, as usual and I saw him whatsapping somebody. The screen said "Violet" and the chat was quite mushy that ended with "goodnight sweetheart. " Eww. Hey, where's that Joey girl then? Guess he dumped her like he did with his ten exes in his previous school. Ah, I admire this kid So much. I smirked to myself.

Should I tell Fliss?




BYE ~~


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