Chapter 11

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Plz read A/N at the end

March 2, 2017

1 month left

Alex POV

"Happy Birthday beautiful." I heard some one say waking me up.

Well fuck, today's my birthday. I like it but I dont at the same time. Actually now that I think about it more, I hate it.

They could have spared me. I mean I have to start acting already, and I just woke up.

Kill me.

"Good morning Vikk. Thank you." I smiled getting up. I saw in the cornor of my eye, dad and Vikk's parents at the door.

"Happy Birthday sweetie." Dad said walking over and kissing my head.

I smiled, "Thank you."

"Get ready, we're going out today." Vikk said to me with a fake smile.

"Ok, I will. Can you tell me where we're going?" I asked.

"Surprise." he smirked.


"Bye dad." I said as Vikk and I walked out of the house.

I sighed, "So what's the plan?" I asked once we were a good distance away from the house.

"Honestly just hang out with the Pack and their girlfriends. But we have to get back to your house at 6:30 to have dinner then I have to propose." Vikk said with a sigh at the end.

I looked at my feet, "What are we gonna do?"

"I dont know anymore."

A couple minutes later we made it to Jerome's house.

"Hey guys! Happy Birthday Alex!" everyone cheered as we walked in.

"Thank's guys!" I smiled.

We all started to play games and stuff on the Ps4.

This is probably the best part about my birthday.


"Vikk, will we ever get normal relationships?" I asked as we walked back to my house.

"I hope." he sighed.

"Do you think Lachlan still loves me?"

"You know, he probably does. Guys do stupid things a lot." he responded rubbing my back.

My phone vibrated with a notification. I looked at my phone to see it was a tweet from Lachlan. Yeah I still have his notifications on dont judge me.

@ LachlanYT

Happy Birthday to the best girl on earth! I miss you and plz know im really sorry....

I stoped right in my tracks as I read the tweet.

"Are you alright Alex?" Vikk asked turning around.

"Yeah..... Perfectly fine." I said with a smile.

"Okay then. But if something's wrong you know you can tell me."

I nodded with a smile.


"Its time to open your gifts now." Dad said with a smile.

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