Chapter 8

194 6 2

January 26, 2017

2 months and 4 days left

Alex POV

"I'm going to the park with Simon and my friends. Bye dad!" I said to him.

"Okay, bye sweetie." he said and kissed the top of my head. I smiled and walked out.

"Thanks Winston." I said as he handed me my skateboard, and an extra for Simon. We were going to the park to teach Simon how to skateboard.


When I got to the park I saw Simon on the field playing with a soccer ball. From the looks of it the others werent here yet.

"You play soccer?" I asked walking up to him.

"Football." he replied with a smirk as he saw me.



"No, you're in America, Simon. Soccer."

"Whatever. I'm still gonna call it football."

"Fucking British." I joked rolling my eyes.

"Oh shut up." he said shoving me a bit.

"Can you teach me how to play?" I asked. He smiled at me and nodded.


"See you guys are having fun." I heard someone say. That caused Simon to loose his concentration, so I took advantage and kicked the ball through his legs and into the goal.

"Yeah! I win!" I cheered.

"Oi! That's not fair!" he said.

"Not my fault you werent paying attention." I laughed smiling innocently.

"So are we gonna skate or not?" I continued.

"Well you have to teach me first."Simon said getting his soccer ball.

"Of course. Come on we cant skateboard on the grass." I said dragging him to the sidewalk.

"Here." I said handing him the extra skateboard I brought.

"Ummmmm. A little help guys? I've never taught anyone." I asked towards the guys.

"Well first you need to be able to stand on the board without falling. I taught this guy once who couldnt even stand on it." Jerome said laughing near the end.

"Okay?" Simon said and tried standing on the board. Key word; tried. He fell and landed on his butt.

We all started to laugh at him.

"Stop judging me!" He yelled getting up.

"I'm sorry mate, but first things first you need to learn how to balance on the board." Lachlan laughed out.

After a couple minutes Simon was able to stand on it. Although his fails made for good snapchat stories.

"Honestly at this rate Simon, we're gonna be here longer than expected." Jordan joked.

"Shut up, what do I need to do next?"

"What hand do you write with?" Mitch asked.


"Okay, put your right foot either here or here, then use your left foot to pedal." I said showing him what I ment.

And once again he fell.

"I dont like Skate boarding..." Simon groan laying on the ground.

"You just gotta keep trying." Vikk chuckled.

"IF YOU WORK HARD ENOUGH!!" Lachlan yelled at him.

Finally after about 30 minutes of laughing at Simon, he got the hang of it.

"Great! Now come on we're going to the skate park!" Rob yelled. We all cheered and started to skate there.


"I dont wanna do this." Simon said standing at the top of the half pipe.

"You can do it." I encouraged.

"No I cant. I can barley stand on the board!" He exclaimed.

"You're taking to long." Jordan said and skated down the half pipe, doing some tricks every now and then.

"See! If Jordan can do it, so can you!"

"I cant do it."

"Yes you can"

"No I cant."

"If you dont at least try I will push you down"

"You wouldnt."

"I would."


"You brought this on yourself." I mumbled before pushing him.

"ALEX I HATE YOU!" he yelled. He made it down and to the other side, then tried to land on his feet, but ended up on his butt.

We laughed and ran over to him.

"You okay dood?" Mitch chuckled.

"No." he groaned.


"Bye guys!" I said and waved to them. They waved, said bye and left.

"Hey, its only 7, wanna watch a movie?" I heard a familiar Aussie say. He wrapped his arms around my waist from behind.

"Hmm, what movie?" I asked leaning back into him.

"Finding Dory? At the dine in theater?" He asked.

"Sure." I said with a smile.

We grabbed our skateboards and started to ride to the theater. He held my hand as we rode and joked around.

While watching the movie, Lachlan and I just cuddled in the chairs we could lay down in.


"I love you." He whispered to me when we reached a block away from my house.

"I love you too."


Hey all you awesome sauce readers!

So kind of a cliche ending but this is a book about love :)

Ummmmmm I dont have anything else I can think of to say so

Thats all for today, hope you enjoyed, if you did,




Stay Fabalas

~Joie out :P<3<3

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