Chapter 1

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Alex POV

I layed on my king sized bed, just staring up at my ceiling. His words kept replaying in my head,

"When you turn 18, I have no choice but to propose to you, and you have no choice but to say yes. And when that happens we have to get married 1 month later. Our parents already have everything planned. Divorse is not an option, they wont allow it."

I turn 18 in 5 months. That's not enough time. I don't want to get married to Vikk.

Vikk is three years older than me, so 20 years old.

I'm sorry, i'm being rude. Let me introduce myself.

My name is Alex Grey. My father is Kelly Grey, he owns some big company that i dont really know much about. So our family is filthy rich.

My mother died when I was 7 due to cancer. I'm an only child.

I grew up with a boy named Vikram Barns. The Barns family and my family have known each other for years so my father and Vikk's parents thought it was right for us to be together.

At first, we actually did love each other, so we were okay with it. But then Vikk introduced me to his friends, The Pack and I introduced him to Kayleigh, my best friend.

I fell in love with Lachlan and Vikk fell in love with Kay. We both told our family which wasnt a very good idea. They said that Lachlan and Kay were just holding us back from loving each other.

So now, Vikk and my love is just an act. Like a scene from a movie. And from the looks of it, we were great actors. Our family bought our act.

We always thought that at one point they would let us be free from our arranged love, but we were wrong. Now we only have 5, 6 months the most, to convince our parents we dont love each other.

But that isnt as easy as it sounds.

From now on, we are just gonna try to drop little hints to our family. But not big enough hints that they will understand immediately.

"Alexandra, you're father would like to see you downstairs." The butler - Winston- said coming into my room.

"Thank you Winston, I'll be right there." I responded sitting up straight. He nodded and left my room.

I sighed, I instantly know its gonna be about Vikk.

I put on my best posture and made sure I looked decent. My dad hates it when my posture isnt straight and when I dont look presentable. He says I have to be lady like.

People who meet me personally, call me double sided. In front of my dad im the perfect girl, with my hair down and curled, my posture straight, my manners, the way I speak, the perfect daughter.

In front of my friends, my hair is in a pony tail, I slouch, i curse, i call people by their nicknames, im me.

Anyways, after making sure i looked okay, i started making my way downstairs in to the living room where I saw my dad waiting for me.

"Father, you wished to see me?" I asked sitting down on the opposite couch.

"Yes Alexandra, I just wanted to ask you a question."

"What is it father?"

"Have you and Viktam ever though about your future, like getting married possibly?" I knew it.

"We have thought about marrige Father, but we're just waiting for the right time. Like if we ever met someone else. Also the fact I am still only 17, underage for marrige." I responded, adding that little hint that we met someone else.

"Meeting someone else? You two are perfect for each other, there isnt anyone else in the world that is perfect for my daughter besides Vikram." he said alarmed.

"Oh dont worry father, we are still together and happy." I said, lying straight through my teeth.

"If you say so. That is all I wanted to ask. You may leave now." Father dismissed.

"Goodnight father."

"Goodnight Alexandra."

With that I left upstairs, back to my room.

As I was laying down again, i felt my phone vibrate.

Little Lachy Dachy 💞💖

Hey love ❤️

I smiled.

L- Lachlan A-Alex

A- Hi. Can I skype you? I really need to talk to you.

L- of course.

Once I got the text, I instantly took out my laptop and skyped him.

He immediately answered.

"Hey babe what's wrong?" He asked looking worried.

"It's my dad and Vikk's parents." he knew completely the situation im in. Him and Kay both know.

"What did they do?"

"When i turn 18, Vikk has no choice but to propose to me. I have no choice but to say yes. A month after we have to have the wedding. After that there will be no divorse, they wont allow it." i explained, tears running down my face.

"WHAT! NO THATS COMPLETE BULLSHIT! AND YOU GUYS HAVE NO SAY IN THIS?!" He yelled furious. I simply just shook my head no.

"No..." he whispered once he calmed down, while putting his head in his hands, also crying. The day Vikk and I told our family that we didnt love each other anymore we had Kay and Lachlan with us.

They didnt like them. In their words, "They are not kind, they do not have manners, they dress like they dont have money they are not fit fo my child."

Lachlan knew he couldnt fight against my father. He can easily get the police on him.

"Lachlan...... Can you come here for the night please? I wanna cuddle." I whispered.

"Im coming right over." he ended the call and about 10 minutes later I saw him at my window. I smiled.

I locked the door and put a chair against the knob as Lachlan shut the window behind him.

It wasnt the first time he's done this.

I hugged him once everything was safe. Once there was no way of my father coming in my room. He lets me lock my room at night but he still has the key to my room, that's why I put a chair under the knob. I did the same to my connecting bathroom door.

"Please dont leave me." He whispered to me as we hugged.

"Vikk and I are trying our best to stop it. But for now all we can do is hope."


Hey all you awesome sauce readers!

New book!! 🎉🎉 YEAHHHHHH!
I have nothing to say and its like 1 am when im writing this. Im tired. 😂

That's all for today, hope you enjoyed, if you did,




Stay Fabalas

~Joie out 😘💜💜

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