Part 18: Shocker at The Concert

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 We had finally made it to Texas, the bus had made a few stops here and there before we got to the hotel. Justin had rehearsals in the morning and after he came back to the hotel to get some rest. 

Later that night we all got in the bus and headed to the concert hall, where  the concert was being held at. A few of us sat in his dressing room while he was getting ready, I sat on the couch and played a game on my phone. For some reason I started to get a weird feeling in my stomach, like I was nervous. 

Justin looked over at Alyssa as she played on her phone, he smiled because he had a huge surprise for her and it was going to be something that she would remember forever. 

Time started to go by quickly, Justin started doing warm ups for his voice with Mama Jan, while the rest of his crew were running around trying to make sure that the sound, stage, and other elements were in good shape for the concert. People started showing up to the venue, they soon started to pile into the arena; there were so many girls, young and old, they were wearing their Justin Bieber merchandise and others had JB painted on their face, or they had posters, and even t-shirts that were homemade. 

While Justin was doing his warm ups, I got up and snuck out of the dressing room so he could focus. I took out my backstage pass and put it around my neck just in case if I came back security wouldn't stop me. As I was walking around backstage I found a sign that said "Main stage this way," I followed the sign and I started walking up some steps and I was soon on the side of the stage, I peaked out a little and seen the arena full of thousands of teenage girls. Just then the lights went down and it was pitch black, then purple strobe lights started flashing and a timer showed up on the screen, then I heard thousands and thousands of fans screaming for Justin and if I wasn't with him then I would be here to see him in concert and that would be me out there screaming his name and crying and having a panic attack. I started to walk back backstage to Justin's dressing room so that I could wish him luck.

I knocked on the door and I heard his voice from the other side of the door.

" Come in." Justin said.

I walked in and Justin turned around.

" There you are, I was wondering where you went." He said to me.

" I snuck out so you could warm up and I didn't want to bother." I said.

" You could never bother me." He said.

I smiled and walked towards him and wrapped my arms around his torso.

" So there is something that I wanted to tell you on our way down here but I wanted to leave it for tonight." Justin said. 

" Okay, what is it?" I asked him.

" All I'm going to say is that you need to get changed." He said. 

" Why?" I asked.

" You'll see." He said.

"Justin I don't like surprises." I said to him.

 " I know but I want you to go get ready." He said. 

" Okay but how am I going to change, I don't have my clothes with me and the rest of my stuff is on the bus." I said.

"Don't worry everything is taken care of." He told me. 

"Justin to the stage you're on in 5." The P.A voice said.

" Well they're calling me." He said with a smile.

Justin leaned in and sweetly kissed me and I kissed him back, then I pulled away.

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