Part 6: Can't sleep

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Today was just a little insane and a little off for me, can you imagine if I would've kissed him? It was bad enough that I just had him close to my neck and my face was in his. I don't even know if he left or not, hopefully he did... I looked at my phone and it was 2 in the morning and I couldn't go to sleep, I just kept thinking about this morning when we went on the trail. I got up and went downstairs, the wood floor was cold beneath my feet as I walked around to the kitchen; I turned on a light and got a bowl of cereal.

Come on Alyssa you're thirteen and obviously Justin is three years older than you; wait why should an age even matter? He's a celebrity and you're a nobody who is in "fan love" just like every other girl out there.

Then Karina walked in.

"What are you doing up?" She asked while serving herself a bowl of cereal.

"I could ask you the same thing?"

"I asked first." She says at sitting across from me.

"Something happened yesterday morning with Justin."

She scoffed a little.

"Like what?" A spoonful went into her mouth and milk was dripping from her chin and she wiped it off.

"Well I took my morning walk and he went with me..." I stirred the cereal around the bowl. "And a group of girls were walking toward us and I didn't know what to do... so I stood in front of him and I pulled him towards me."

"Oh my gawd you kissed him!?" She said with surprise and question.

"No I didn't kiss him, I just... my face was in the crook of his neck and his face was in the crook of mine."

"Whoa, what happened after that?"

"We came back to the house and I went up to my room. Did he leave?"

"Yeah he did... what was it like?"

I laughed a little at her question.

"I don't want to talk about it anymore, so are you going to tell me what you're doing up at this hour?"

"I don't know... I just couldn't sleep."

Hmm. I just left it at that.

"Do you think that Justin will come back?" She looked at me with a little bit of hope in her eyes.

"Karina why would he come back? He has his own home and his own lifestyle to get back to."

"Would you be mad if I told you that I gave him your number?"

My head shot up and my eyes went wide.

"You did what! Why would you do that and how did you do that?"

"When we came back yesterday he was still here, and then he stayed for lunch and before he was leaving I gave him your number."

"Karina an eleven year old has no business giving out my number."

"I think he might like you."

"Why would he like me? He can literally get any supermodel or a young celebrity actress or whatever, why would he like me? I'm not known for anything."

~Justin's P.O.V~

I was laying in bed, my mom was asleep, and I was just awake looking up at the ceiling. The moon was shining through the blinds a little, I looked at the time and it was 2 in the morning. I got up, through my sweatshirt on and went out on my balcony and sat down. I looked at my phone and went to my contacts, I pressed the message button, but I didn't know what I could write.

I knew why I couldn't sleep. I couldn't sleep because of Alyssa, after I had left her house I couldn't stop thinking about her... I couldn't stop thinking about what happened on the trail. What she did was a shock to me but I also wouldn't have know what to do at that moment.

When I first seen her I thought she was beautiful  and her personality is unique, when we had talked and stayed up late she told me a lot about herself and about her family. It's crazy how emotions and feelings work. I looked up at the sky and started to think what it would be like to have someone like her.

Oh come on Justin, you barely met this girl and you're thinking about her like she's your girlfriend or something. Wait no that's not what I can't be thinking... if I texted her; would she want to see me or meet me again?

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