Part 15: Meeting

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Two days had passed and I wasn't talking to Michael or Joey, the way that they have been acting towards me is unnecessary... I mean okay they can act like brothers and say things here and there but forcing me to leave and practically dragging me out to go back home is going to far.

When I got home later that day I told my mom and sisters what happened and they were pretty upset about it. They all agreed that Michael and Joey could take it down a few notches and not be so over bearing and over protective every minute of the day and of every hour.

Finally mom said that today would be the day that we would all sit down and have a talk. I only agreed to it if Raeleen and Eileen would be present.

"Look if they're not going to hurry up and get here then I'm going back up to my room." I said to my mom.

The four of us sat at the table and waited for the two of them.

"Where are they anyways?" I asked Raeleen.

"They went to some swap meet." Raeleen said.

Just then we all heard the front door open and they started talking then the both of them walked into the dining room.

"What's going on here." Joey said as he leaned down and kissed my sister as Michael did the same.

"We all need to have a talk." My mom said.

"I suggest you both sit down." Raeleen said.

They both sat down and looked at me.

"Let me guess this has to do with her?" Michael said as they both say down.

"Look I appreciate that you guys look out for her because she is your little sister, but that doesn't give you the right to have to go and search for her and be supervising her cause you're not her parents." My mom said as I tried so hard to not make a face at them.

"Who else is going to watch her if she is with him?" Joey asked.

"I'm sure Justin doesn't live alone and he has adults that are around him all the time, look just leave the parenting and worrying up to me and Chris okay." My mom said looking at the both of them.

"Alright then." Joey said as Michael nodded.

I got up from the table and walked away with a smirk on my face and went up to my room. They can no longer chase me down as if I'm a fugitive anymore. I lied down on my bed and got my phone, I called Justin to tell him the good news that I no longer have bodyguards around me anymore.

The phone rang and rang so I just hung up cause I knew he was probably busy, so I left a voice mail and hung up.

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