Part 4: Late Night Talks

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My family had been up still, just talking with Michael and asking him what it was like in Iraq. Me and my niece Karina were back in the dining room just talking and laughing. Justin had stayed in the guest room and didn't come back out.

"You should go ask him if he wants anything to drink."

"Karina I don't want to bother him."

"Okay asking if he's thirsty won't be bothering him."

Just then he walked into the kitchen and we both looked at him. It was weird seeing a celebrity in our house, especially one that I liked and idolized.

"Is it alright if I get something to drink?"

"Oh yeah sure."

I got up from the chair and got him some water.

"Thank you."

"No problem and you don't have to ask, you can go ahead and help yourself to anything."


Karina then got up.

"Well I'm tired so I'm gonna go to sleep since it's already 1 in the morning."

I looked at her and gave her a look that said 'dont leave me alone with him'. She said goodnight and left, I sat back down and it was very awkward, I could hear my sisters and mom talking in the living room with my brother in law, and it was also quiet because the kids were asleep. The next thing I knew Justin was sitting in front of me and I looked at him quickly then down at my hands. How do you spark up a conversation with a famous person?

"It must've been kind of weird to end up being at a complete strangers house."

"In a way yeah, but I am thankful that your... dad I'm guessing and brother? stopped by and were able to help me out."

I smiled a little.

"I guess they just happened to be at the right place at the right time."

"It's Alyssa right?"


"I'm sorry about what happened earlier."

"Oh that's not your fault, I should have been more calm." I laughed a little.

"It's a nice house you have."

"Thanks, it's a perk when your dad is a..."

I tried to think of the word that describes someone who is a traveling doctor for a baseball team, is it therapist?

"Traveling doctor/therapist for a baseball team."

"Oh that's pretty cool, so he travels a lot during baseball season?"

"Yeah and sometimes for the off season too."

"What does your mom do for a living if you don't mind me asking?"

"She works as a seamstress for Disney."

"Wow that's pretty neat."

I smiled and readjusted myself in my chair, I then heard a lot of footsteps going upstairs and some walking down the hall. Then my mom appeared in the kitchen.

"Oh you're still awake."

"Yeah me and Karina were talking and then she went to bed."

"Okay just don't be up too late."

"Alright mom."

"Justin go ahead and help yourself to anything in the kitchen."

"Thank you..."

"Mrs. Duran, but you can call me Marie."

"Thank you Marie."

My mom smiled and left the kitchen, there was an awkward silence between us and I didn't know what I could talk about. I just couldn't randomly ask how your mom is doing or how's Jaxon or Jazmyn, because that would be weird for me. Plus I don't know him like that.

"Is it hard living with a lot of people?"

"Yes it is, especially when your siblings live with you, but luckily there is enough space for all of us."

"Yeah it's a full house." He chuckled a little.

"Even though we have lived here for a long time, I surprisingly get lost from time to time."

Justin laughed a little louder this time.

"That's pretty funny."

"It's not that funny... okay imagine this, it's late at night you decide to get a snack and you can't find the kitchen and once you get what you want you can't find your way back to the room?"

He laughed some more.

"Are you trying to tell me that's what happened to you?"

"No that is not what happened to me."

"You should get a map of your house."

"Ha ha so funny you've got jokes."

"I'm just joking around." He smiled.

"Yeah I know you are."

"Tell me something about yourself."

"Like what?"


I tried to think what I could start with, and I wasn't coming up with anything.

"Do you want me to start with the basics?"

He laughed a little again.

"If you want to."

"Alright, let's see where do I start. Hmm I'm 13 just starting high school, I have 4 sisters and 3 brothers. My favorite food is Italian, I like comedy movies, my favorite TV show is The Office, favorite color is purple, I love going to Disneyland, my family means the world to me and I was diagnosed with cancer when I was 12."

"I'm so sorry."

"Don't worry about it, it honestly doesn't bother me as much anymore, and my chemo treatments will be done... hopefully, if ever."

"Are you going to celebrate when it's over?"

"I would like to." I smiled and started to think of the possibility of my chemo being over and being cancer free.

"When that day comes and it will, can I be there to celebrate that day with you, if that's okay with you?"

Um yeah okay where is this coming from all of a sudden? Of course I'm not going to say no to him.

"Of course, how can I say no to Justin Bieber?"

He chuckled and shook his head a little.

"This is probably the only down time I have had in a while and it's pretty nice."

"I bet, you're working almost 24/7 and sometimes it's hard trying to get a break or have a break."

"But in the end it's worth it and of course I do it for my beliebers." As he said that he looked at me and smiled and I swear I blushed a little bit.

My New Boyfriend Is Justin BieberOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant