Chapter 18

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   Claire drove by August's house and pulled into the driveway, "You want me to go get it for you so we don't have to get your wheelchair out?"
    August tensed up, "No, I wanna go get it."
   Claire gave August a look, "What's your problem?" She continued when she got no answer, "Your acting very strange around me and about this whole 'date'." 
    August rolled his eyes and opened his car door, "Nothing is wrong dear, I would just rather get it myself."
    Claire gave August a stern look and opened her car door, "Whatever."
    She got the wheelchair out for August and sighed, "When are you going to start using your crutches?"
    August slowly got into the wheelchair, "When if feel comfortable enough to."
    Claire smiled, "Want me to come in with you?"
    August looked down at the ground and spoke quickly, "No, I don't want us to walk in there together because then my mom would want to talk to you an I don't want this to take forever so I'll just go in and out."
Claire's eyes widened as she put her hands up in the air, "Okay, okay."
Claire wheeled August up to the door, she then turned and started to walk back to the car.
August sighed then entered his house.
Claire walked silently back to her car, she then opened the door and plopped back down in her seat. She quickly became terrified.
She was alone, in a car all by her self. She started to breath heavy. Callie's murderer could come any second. She jumped out of the car and ran into August house.
Laura looked frightened, she walked over closer to Claire, "Honey, what's wrong?"
Claire was still breathing heavily from fear, she laughed at herself, "I was just scared."
Laura looked up a the ceiling, "Yeah the world can be a scary place."
Claire's painful laugh turned into a horrid cry, "I miss her."
Laura wrapped her arms around Claire, "Everyone does dear, it's okay to cry."
August walked out of his room with a brand new pair of crutches, "What's going on?"
Claire pulled away from Laura, "Nothing, let's go."
August moved over closer to Claire, "Claire, your safe dear."
Claire smiled, "I know."
They walked out of the house to the porch. August sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.
Claire looked up to him, "Let's go to our trail, I'm not in the mode to go to some fancy diner."
August looked at Claire, "Are you sure, it's probably overgrown."
Claire nodded, "I'm sure."
They both got into the car at the same times, August threw his crutches in the back seat.
Claire sighed, "I love you."
August gained a sly smile, "Claire I love you way more."
Claire grinned once they reached their picnic spot of the trail, "It's so beautiful."
August laughed, "It's not even that overgrown."
Claire walked over to a cracked pot, "I wonder what happened to this one."
August walked over and looked at it, "Yeah, I don't know."
Claire sat down at the picnic table, August following.
Claire smiled, "We should decorate your crutches."
August laughed, "Ah yes, do you happen to be carrying any glitter pink duck tape?"
Claire giggled, "Maybe we should stop at the store and by some?"
August completely changed the subject and bent in and kissed Claire deeply on the lips.
He gently pulled away and pulled a beautiful red box out of his pocket. "Claire, my dear will you marry me?"

The Days of AugustTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon