Chapter 17

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~The Newspaper~
Callisyn Elizabeth Morgan, 18, was found brutally murdered on August, 7 2015. The child was found in an abandoned apartment complex, along with two older bodies Michelle Ann Cable, 67, and Miya June Rigeway, 12. Calisyn's younger sister, Claire Morgan received a text message from Callie's phone from the killer saying that she had been murdered. There was no evidence left behind from the apartment complex, which leaves police to continue searching for possible suspects.

"Claire, please come out of your room, it's been a month." Hannah pleaded.
Claire looked up at Hannah who was now 9 weeks pregnant. "No, he's still out there."
Hannah sighed, "Claire please, you look terrible."
Claire got up out of her bed and looked in the mirror, she did look terrible. She had been to afraid to take a shower since the incident and she had huge bags under her eyes. She also had gained a couple pounds and her hair was all matted.
Claire sighed, "Hannah I'm just afraid."
Hannah hugged her, "Don't be." She paused for a moment, "Claire, dearie, please go take a shower."
A tear dropped of her cheek, "I'm to scared."
"What if I stand in there with you?"
Claire gulped, "Okay."
Hannah smiled and put her hands on her tiny baby bump, "That's great Claire."
Claire turned her head and flew under the blankets when she heard a knock on the door.
August smiled, "Don't worry, it's just me."
Claire slowly came out of the blankets and mumbled a sorry.
August sighed, "Will you go on a date with me Claire?"
Claire rolled her eyes, "I'm not leaving this house."
August chucked, "But tomorrow is my birthday."
A tear dripped off Claire's face, "I don't feel safe anymore."
August gave her a sad smile, "I know, but Claire would you please go on a date with me?"
Claire sat up from the covers, "Why would you want to go on a date with me?" She paused for a moment, "Have you seen me lately?"
August laughed, "Have you seen me lately Claire!"
Claire rolled her eyes, "Not funny August."
August continued to laugh, "I'm the one in the wheelchair!"
Claire started to laugh along with August, she couldn't help it.
August stopped laughing and gained a mischievous grin, "So what do you say?"
Claire ran her fingers through her hair and sighed, "Okay."
August's eyes widened in disbelief, "Did you just say okay?"
Claire nodded, "Yup." She answered popping the p.
August smiled widely and he got on the bed and gave Claire a sloppy kiss on the cheek, "I love you Claire Morgan."
"And I love you August Rally." Claire replied mockingly.
All of the sudden Sammy burst into the room. "You want me to drop of your letters?"
Claire looked over at August, "No I think I'll drop them off myself."
Sammy's eyes widened, "Really?"
Claire smiled at her "Yes."
"Okay." Sammy left closing the door.
August looked down at Claire confused, "What letters?"
Claire sighed, "Um Grammy said that after someone passes you could write letters to them every now and then and put them by their grave." Claire paused as August shook his head, "Yeah I kinda like writing to Callie about what has been happening around here, it's makes me feel like she's just away somewhere visiting someone."
August nodded, "Maybe I should write to my dad, I would tell him about you and my no leg and Hayley, it would be a interesting letter."
Claire gave August a sly smile, "Yeah."
August yawned, "Have you visited Callie's grave yet?"
"No." Claire replied looking down.
"Sorry." August mumbled.
    Claire looked back up at August, "You have no reason to be sorry."
    August leaned in closer to Claire, "Can I kiss you?" 
    Claire giggled, "I don't think it would be to inappropriate if you did."
    August gave Claire a gentle kiss on the lips, "You mean the world to me Claire."
   Claire smiled, "Same goes to you my dear friend."
   August got up off the bed, "Why don't we go out tonight?" He paused for a moment, "I haven't seen you out of this room in a while."
   Claire smiled, "Well we could leave now, just let me get changed?"
   August looked down at his shoes and smiled, "Yeah, that would be amazing.... But I have to go back to my house and grab my wallet. "
   Claire gave August a confused look, "What do you mean, do you not always keep your wallet in the cup holder in your car?"
    August turned his head towards the door, "Yeah but I just realized that today I forgot it."
  Claire looked kind of disappointed but quickly recovered, "Okay I can drive you by your house, no problem."
   August rolled his wheelchair closer to Claire, "Okay let's go."
   Claire smiled, "Okay let's go."
   They kissed once again, as Claire wondered what this night would bring her.

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