Chapter 13

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Claire pulled her hair back into a fancy bun. She was going on another date with August, but this date was special. August and Claire have now been together for exactly one year today.
August pulled up to her Grammy's house, where she decided to stay for the remainder of her childhood.
He got out of the car and walked up to the porch, "Hello, my dear." They kissed, Claire had a beautiful smile on her face.
August made Claire feel loved and respected, she needed him in her life, forever.
They walked up to the car, August open the door for Claire, "My lady." She got inside the car.
August walked over to his side of the car and plopped down into the set.
"Hey August." Claire whispered.
"Hey Claire."
"Guess what."
August leaned in closer, "What?"
"Happy one year..." She giggled at herself, "It's been the best year of my life."
August leaned in and gently kissed her, "Mine too."
Claire shyly giggled as August pulled out of the drive way, "I think I should call this, a incredible day of August."
August quickly looked over at her a said, "The days of August."
Claire repeated, even though they where making very little sense, "The days of August."
August changed the subject, "So I have good news."
Claire smiled, but she was always smiling around August, "What is it?"
"My parents are now officially adopting Hayley."
Claire dropped a tear of happiness, "That's amazing, August."
Claire and August chatted during the remainder of the car ride, finally they had almost reached their destination.
"So, August, where are you taking me?"
"I never ruin surprises."
Claire could tell that he was loving this.
August pulled onto the road where her father lives, Claire immediately became tensed up.
August smiled, he picked up an egg that was setting in the back set of the car, "Do me a favor and throw this out the window onto your fathers car when we drive by."
    Claire had an mischievous grin on her face, "No problem."
     They had almost reached Claire's father home, August rolled down Claire's window
      Claire held the egg in a throwing position, "Ready."
      August was driving slowly passed Claire's fathers house, she threw the egg, it hit his car right on the back tire.
      Claire was laughing hysterically, "That was perfect August."
      August parked the car on the side of the road, "Let's walk on our trail."
      Claire remembered the trail, she and August created it when she was still living with her father. It was kind of overgrown, but it brung back so many beautiful memories, like the first time they kissed.
      August randomly laughed, "We're almost there."
       Claire gasped as she saw the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for her. It was like a movie, in a beautiful place. August had made Claire a incredible garden, their was a bench and a water fountain, and even bird baths. There where flowers everywhere, the where hanging on trees, in pots, and even just planted in the soil. The whole place was lit by fancy candles. Then Claire saw a picnic table right in the middle of it all, it had a pretty table cloth on it and was decorated by a lovely flower bouquet. Claire was stunned by August's breathtaking garden, she didn't know what to say.
      August started to chuckle, "Beautiful, don't ya think?"
     Claire huffed, "August, it's more than beautiful, it's perfect." A tear rolled down Claire's check, "I'm in love with you, I've never felt this way with nobody else, August, you make me truly happy.
     August was blushing, trying not to cry, but Claire could see the glare in his eyes, "Claire, you make me.." He paused. "Way beyond happy,"
      They kissed, it was a beautiful moment, Claire had never felt so happy and loved in her entire life.
      Claire was lying against a tree, August pulled away. He brushed back Claire bangs, "I want to be with you.." He quickly added, "For the rest of my life." 
      Claire started to walk towards the picnic table. On it was Claire favorite desserts, there was pumpkin pie, German chocolate cake, banana pudding, strawberry milkshakes, and bunch of other small candies.
       August walked over to the table, "I was thinking that we could skip dinner, then we could just eat all these desserts." 
       Claire smiled, she thought that August had such a warm heart. She was kind of in the mood for real food, but it was the thought that counted to her.
They stayed for hours, until August had to drop Claire back off at her house. The whole ride home Claire thought about what a great day of August it was.

Around two hours after August dropped Claire off she got a call, August was in a major car crash.

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