Chapter 11

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Claire got on another bus, she had almost reached her destination.
She felt like she needed to go somewhere far, somewhere away from all her problems.
She looked over at the road sign, she got a little overly joyed.
The bus stopped, Claire got off with a smile on her face. She would walk from there.
       She could smell the ocean, it was beautiful. Claire wished she could stay at the ocean for ever.
       She saw the sand, the ocean, and darted to the beach.
       Claire slipped off her flats and got into the water. Her khaki shorts were now soaked, followed by her dark blue tank top.
        A wave came, and splashed Claire right in the face.
       She was getting to far out, she now couldn't touch the ocean floor.
       Waves where now repeatedly taking Claire under the water. She felt like she was getting pulled out farther and father. She was having trouble catching her breath.
      "HELP!" She screamed, she was then taken back under.
      A older man spotted her and called the rescue crew.
      It felt like hours and hours before help had arrived. A man got on a jet ski and came and rescued Claire out of the water.
     She was gulping for air, she was having trouble breathing.
      The man on the jet ski had brung her back to the shore.
      Claire could feel many eyes staring at her, she felt like she might faint.
      The man bent down close to her, "Are you okay?"
       Claire gave no response.
       "Breath in, breath out."
        Claire did what he said, she immediately felt better.
        She got up from the sand, "I'm fine, I'm going to head home."
         The guy shock his head, "Do you want to use my phone so you could call your parents?"
       "No, I'm leaving now."
       "Okay, get rest, you need it."
       Claire was getting antsy, "Okay."
        She headed back to the buses.
      "Where have you been?" Callie asked as Claire walked inside.
       Claire smiled, "On a adventure."
       Callie rolled her eyes, "Whatever."
       Claire walked up the stairs to her bedroom.
        She pulled out her phone and called August.
        "Hey." Said Claire.
        "Well, hello."
        "August I'm really sorry for what I said to you."
        August sighed, "It's okay, I was expecting you beat me up after you yelled at me."
        Claire giggled, "Yeah, Ian and I are over."
        "I'm sorry Claire."
        "You have nothing to be sorry over."
       There was a minute of silence, August broke it, "You want to go get ice cream tomorrow?"
      Claire giggled, "August Rally are you asking me on a date?" Claire asked mischievous.
       Claire could feel the presence of his smile over the phone, "Maybe." He responded.
       Claire laughed, "Well in that case you have a yes."
      "Sweet." August half whispered.
      "Okay well I'm gonna go now."
      "Okay, bye Claire."
     Claire sighed and pulled out one of her favorite books, The Hunger Games, and read the first 50 pages once again.
Callie came into the room, "Dinner is ready sweet pea."
Claire gave Callie and exhausted look, "I don't want to be anywhere never them."
"We haven't been near them in weeks, Miley wants us to come."
Claire grunted, "I can stand Miley, I can't stand father."
Callie gave Claire a hug, "Come on, let's go."
Claire and Callie walked down the stairs and sat down at the dinner table.
Miley put plates of food in front of Claire and Callie.
"So how have you two been?" Miley asked.
Neither of them replied.
Miley sighed, "Okay, I see how this is going to be."
Their father slammed his fist on the table,"MY DAUGHTERS WILL NOT ACT LIKE SPOILED BRATS!"
Callie through her plate across the room, Claire followed.
Those word made Claire's heart skip a beat from an over powerful feeling of joy.

The Days of AugustTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang