Chapter 4

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     "RING RING!!" Claire has always hated the sound of the alarm. She slowly got out of her bed and turned it off.
    Miley opened the door, "Good morning!" Miley has always been a morning person, Claire on the other hand was not.
    Claire went to the bathroom to brush her teeth and do her hair and makeup. Callie was already in the bathroom doing her own morning tasks. Claire could never curl her hair as good as Callie did hers. Claire just stood and stared at Callie until she noticed her.
   "Would you like to join me or something?"
    It seemed to Claire that Callie's words almost always came out in a sassy tone.
     Claire replied "Sure, I like to look cute sometimes as well."  She tried to mock Callie's sass but obviously failed.
    Callie started conversation as they were both fixing their hair in the same mirror, "So you got any plans tonight?"
   Claire stopped what she was doing and faced Callie, "Grammy just died and your already wondering if I have plans?"
    Callie started shaking her head, "Claire,
nobody told you?"
   Claire was confused, "Told me what?"
   "Grammy is okay, she is in the hospital now recovering from her sudden surgery." Claire started crying tears of joy, she really thought Grammy was gone.
     "Come on guys your going to be late for school!" Miley shouted. 
     Claire and Callie raced down the stairs. They where always late for school at least twice a week. They both grabbed a smoothie from the fridge and ran outside to Miley's car.
     "I call shotgun!" Callie shouted. 
     "No it's my turn!" Claire playfully smacked Callie's arm.
      Claire got what she wanted and ways able to set up front. Talk was always very minimal when going to school. Callie usually played on her phone the whole car trip, Claire was usually lost in thought.
    All Claire could seem to think about was how excited she was to see Grammy. Claire missed Grammy making her breakfast this morning.
    "Miley will you take me to see Grammy today?" Claire asked.
    "Not today, but I'm going to take you tomorrow."
    Claire's stomach dropped, "Why can't you take me today?" Her words came out more rudely than expected.
    Miley sighed, "Claire you don't need to know this information."
    Claire was becoming infuriated, "Yes I do, she is my grandmother."
    Miley tried to stay calm as she gently said, "Claire, honey, calm down everything is fine."
    Callie joined the conversation "Claire why don't you go out on a date with Ian, it's been a while since your last date."
   Claire thought for a moment, "Yeah, maybe your right, it has been a long time."
   The car pulled up to the school drop of center, "Bye Miley" both Claire and Callie said at the same time.
    "Bye girls, I'll pick you up later, text me if plans change."
    Claire walked inside the school, she had already lost track of Callie. Claire's best friend, Hannah, ran up to her. "Guess what!" Hannah said in a excited voice.
    "Noah asked me out!"
    Claire was surprised at first, Noah was one of Ian's close friends. Noah had long hair but was still really cute.
    "That's awesome, what did you say?"
     Hannah was having a case of the happiness giggles.  She couldn't help it she had liked Noah for over a year now. "Well I told him I would think about it, but you know I'm going to say yes!"
   "Good for you Hannah!"
   "Thanks, well we better get to class."
   "Yeah, I'll see you at lunch?"
   "Of course." 
Claire sat down at her usual table at lunch. There seating arrangements were a little different though today, Claire and Hannah sat on the left side of the table when Ian and Noah sat on the right.
   Claire asked everyone if they would like to have a group date at the movies tonight. They all said yes, Hannah was a little over the top with joy though.
    After lunch Ian approached Claire at her locker. "Hey"
   Ian looked down at his feet, "I just wanted to tell you that I'm really sorry about what happened to your Grammy."
   Claire fake smiled, "It's okay, but thanks."  She shut her locker.  "So I'll see you after school." 
    Ian smiled, "Of course." They kissed for a quick second, Claire pulled away.
   "Bye, I love you."
   "And I love you too, got to get to class."
    During the rest of her classes she was lost in thought, thinking about her summer vacation. Tomorrow was their last day of school, she was so ready for it to be over. She would have way more time to see Ian and Hannah, plus she wouldn't have any homework.
     Miley picked Claire and Callie up. Callie immediately said, "So did you get yourself a date?"
   "A group date."
  " Am I invited?"
Claire was confused, "You don't have a boyfriend."
  "I got me one, Andy." She said proudly.
  "I guess, whatever." Claire rolled her eyes.
  "Yay!" Callie squealed.
    Their car pulled into the drive way, Claire was terrified to see what this day would bring her.

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