"Is that why you're here, to talk about her? How the hell am I supposed to know? Aren't you two best friends or something? You should know how she's doing." I snapped.

Zendaya rolled her eyes at me. "Fine! Whatever...I'm here because she texted you a few days ago and you didn't respond. She really needs to talk to you it's important. So she asked me to come here and call her." She admitted.

"I fucking knew it. Zendaya you're a grown ass woman why are you always in other people's shit? Then you're a mother go home and take care of Devon and stop being a petty bitch." I snapped again.

She gasped and punched my arm before standing up. "How dare you?! I'm telling Nona how you're treating me."

I scoffed. "What is she going to do? Hit me with her cane? Please, she's still got that prayer line set up for your ass after she found out that you let the whole football team smash in the 11th grade. Girl do you even know who your child's father is? Get the fuck out of my apartment Zendaya."

She glared at me before storming out of my room, taking the bag of food with her on the way out. "Fuck you Dinah! I'm taking this food, you can starve for all I care!" She hollered before slamming my front door behind her.

"Finally...some peace and quiet." I mumbled too myself before picking up my phone and seeing a text from Normani.

ManiBear😁🐻: BRING YOUR ASS TO THE STUDIO! Snoop is already here with his son and they want to discuss other business with you! 😒😡

"Oh shit!" I shouted as I hurried to pull my socks and shoes on. I'm forever late, I wouldn't have been today though it Zendaya hadn't brought her ratchet ass to my apartment.

Grabbing my phone, wallet and keys I locked my front door hurried outside and got into my Escalade.


Once at the building I hurried inside and made my way up to the studio. When I walked into the room I instantly started coughing from all of the smoke surrounding me. When I turned I could not believe my eyes. Ally and Normani were sitting with Snoop and his son Cordell smoking a blunt. I watched as Ally took it and took a drag from it. She released a perfect ring of smoke from her nose before passing it to Cordell.

Seeing Normani smoking weed wasn't surprising to me but seeing Ally doing it? I'm shocked.

"Dinah Dime in the house." Snoop said in a mellow tone before standing and walking over to engulf me in his arms.

"Hey Snoop. Um...is Ally smoking weed?" I asked as I continued to watch her.

He nodded. "Yeah...I hope you don't mind we were just chilling and waiting on you because just like your pops your ass is always late. No worries though, I sparked one up and offered it to the ladies. She hesitated at first but damn I don't think this is her first time."

I nodded slightly and turned my attention to Normani. "Mani, can I talk to you really quick?"

She nodded and gave the blunt to Cordell before standing and following me outside and into the hallway. "What's up?"

I sighed. "What do you mean what's up? You hollered for me to get here but you're smoking weed with Snoop Dogg...and my goodness Ally is a pro...what the fuck?"

Normani chuckled. "Yeah I was surprised too DJ, but she's fine for now until the high kicks in at least. Have you never smoked weed before?"

"Yeah, but it's not my thing Normani. Come on let's get this done I've got other things to take care of before the party tonight and I need you to help me find an outfit to wear."

Video Vixen. (Laurinah Fic) [Completed.]Where stories live. Discover now