~Exploring the New World~

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I get out of this place called hospital and Arie and Jay escort me out. Jay goes to get the car. A car? What on earth is a car? I looked over at Arie and I gave her a baffled look. "Hey Arie, what's a car?" She smiles. "It's like a carriage but with no horses." "Oh, how strange, how does it work then?" She smiles.

"It's hard to explain." I nod. Jay comes in the car and he opens the back door for me. I was still confused and I kept looking out the window. I kept seeing all these strange looking castles, they looked so different. "They're buildings your highness." Arie says.

I smiled and nodded. "Oh I see thanks." I sat back and smiled. "Oh and you don't need to call me that I'm not a queen anymore, I guess I'm just Alana here." I said as I kept looking at my bracelet and sighed. I can't believe I lost everything and now I'm stuck in this strange land.

Arie looked at Jay like to say something and he nodded. "Hey Emma?" "Yea?" "How old are you?" I raised my eyebrow and laughed. "Why do you want to know?" He smiled. "It's just I think you're too young to be a queen and all that you know, I'm just curious." He says as he's looking at me through his mirror.

"Guess, how old do I look?" He sat there thinking and I looked at Arie and smiled. "You too Arie guess my age." She smiles. "24." I nod. "Alright, what about you Jay?" "I would say 26." "Wow you guys think I'm that young, I'm flattered." They both gave me a baffled look. "I'm 30 that's why I became queen because until you're 30 you can take over as queen."

They both gasped. "You look so young Emma." Arie says and smile. "Thanks, so how are we going to find my daughter?" "Well I already put the address on my GPS and we are headed over there." I move towards the middle and gave them a baffled look. "GPS?"

"Oh it's a map and it shows you the way as you're driving." "Oh nice, that's useful." He nods and smiles. "You would have been a very good knight Jay. I would have made you captain of all my regiment." "Really?" He said and smiled.  I nod.

"Can I ask you both something." "Yea." They both replied. "Why are you guys helping me?" They both sighed. "We made a mistake and destroyed everything you had, just so it could give us fame and fortune. And we thought we were helping Ty but I can see he just used us as well. Now the least we can do is help get your family back." Jay said as Arie nodded. I smiled.

"Thank you, you don't know how much this means to me. I have suffered so much to lose everything now." "We truly apologize for this." Arie says and she reaches for my hand, I grabbed her hand and smiled. "Hey its ok we all make mistakes, we just have to learn from them and move on."

About 45 minutes later we made it to a place and it looked horrible. It looked gloomy and scary. I get out and sighed. "Are you sure she's here you guys?" "Yes." Jay replied as he closed the car door. "Oh I'm going to kill Neal." I say as I closed the door. We walked in and a tall big boned woman greets us.

"Welcome." She says and all 3 of us stood there scared. She escorted us to another room and we sat down. "So what are you looking for today?" I smiled. "My husband, my sister and I are looking for a child. We believe she may be here." "Oh, do you happen to have a name of the child?" "Yes she goes by Rhea."

She looks into a fancy weird box and I looked back at Jay and Arie and gave them a baffled look. "What is that?" Arie smiled. "It's a computer Emma." I nod still not knowing what it is. "There's no record of her here. How old is she?" "3 or 4, she had to get dropped off maybe two weeks ago." "Oh that's Aqua!" She says with a huge smile. "Aqua?"

"Yes, because her eyes are blue as the sea and her hair black as can be. She is a beauty." I smile. "Yes, she is." "Oh and who are you if you don't mind me asking?" "I'm Em, Alana her mother." "Oh." She casually replies. "Why do you want to see her?" I was annoyed, like seriously? I'm her mother why else would I want to see my daughter. I smiled.

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