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"So the fucker is finally out of my life," I sigh leaning back in my chair stretching out my arms letting them fall on the table in front of Harry and I. "Gotta admit the kid was cute."

"And he moved to California?" Harry asks playing with the straw of his to go cup. Harry and I have been sitting in the food court talking for the past twenty minutes.

"Yep. LA. With Nat and their little girl."

"Wow. I wanna do that. Travel the world," Harry says getting that dreamy look in his eyes. I smile taking his hand off the straw, and lace our fingers together.

"We could totally do that," I say bringing his hand to my mouth, so I can pepper kisses all around his hand.

"Don't bullshit yourself. We are forever trapped in London, England. Where we will get boring jobs, and live boring lives," he says smiling at my small kisses on his hand.

"I am not bullshitting anyone. I am serious. We will start off small at first, like around England, and then pack everything up and head off to the Americas. North then South. Then maybe Paris, France."

"Where are you getting the money to do this?" He giggles.

"Money is a technicality. Besides we have time to save, you have to finish school first," I say kissing his knuckles. "We could go around London for the summer."

"Okay, Lou," he sighs obviously not believing that any of this will actually happen. I will. I refuse to settle for a boring life right now.
"Have you notice that we like never fight?"

"What do you mean?"

"We never fight. Like we just get along. Sophia and Liam argue. Zayn and Niall get into fights. Then there's us."

"We don't have anything to fight about, and that's something that we should be great full for that," I say pressing a lingering kiss to his ring that I gave him. He nods.

"No of course! I just- that's all I have ever known is couples fighting," he shrugs. "I like how we are."

"Plus we are only teenagers, and we are both pretty loyal so what is there to fight about?"

"What do you mean pretty loyal?" Harry scoffs.

"Oh don't pretend that you didn't check out the guy that walked by ten minutes ago," I say sassily. Harry stutters a moment, and then shakes his head in a flustered state.

"I wasn't checking him out," he states with an eye roll.

"Sure," I say. "I am actually wounded that you looked at him. Am I not enough?"

"What? No Lou I-" I smirk at him to show I am playing around. "hate you. I hate you."

"Nah," I smirk. "Gotta give ya props though. He was hot," I smirk even more. Harry leans over slapping my arm, and I laugh probably too loudly.

"You're an arse!" He says trying to keep his frown, but he only ends up sucking in his full bottom lip shaking his head.

"And you're a fucking nerd, but I don't hold that against you," I say standing stretching my arms up, and arching my back. "I got to get to graduation practice. Where are you meeting them?"

"Steph and Logan are in Victoria Secret, and Austin and V are in Game Stop," He says thinking a moment. "Game Stop," he says nodding.

We lace our hands walking in the direction of the shop. It doesn't take long for Harry to spot Veronica and Austin. We walk over, and Veronica and Austin immediately greet Harry with hellos. "Okay," I sigh pulling my keys out swinging them around my index finger. "Call me if you need anything. See you at home," I say giving his cheek a quick peck. I wave a goodbye to his friends I barely know.

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