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Okay so I know I said that this book would end around chapter 40......well look where we are.....and I am not that close to ending it yet. So there's going to be a little bit more of a time jump.

Summary of what happened end of February to beginning of May.

Harry and Louis have been going out for nearly 8 months now. They have been celebrating their anniversary of course. Sadly for Louis nothing has been smooth sailing. The men that have a vice grip on him are only getting more demanding, and his little secret mole rat that gives him information on the police and the case has been no help. On top of all that stress Louis and Harry have just finished exams and finals. Louis got accepted to London University. And graduation is only a few weeks away.

Sorry for the time skips.


"Fuck off," Harry giggles pushing me away a little. "People are staring."

"Let them fuckin' stare then," I say planting soft kisses on his cheek and neck. My foul mouthed habits have rubbed off on Harry, and he swears quite a bit usually at me. "If you could so kindly quit being such a fucking nerd, and pay attention to your attention seeking boyfriend that would be great."

"If you could so kindly quit being an arsehole, and let your bookworm boyfriend read that would be great," Harry laughs shoving my chest again. I groan finally laying back in the grass the sun beating down over the park. The lake not to far away having the light reflect off of it. It's a relatively nice day out, and it seems like everyone in bloody England had the same idea to come to the park.

"So our eight month is coming up. Wanna do anything special?" I ask turning my body around so I can lay my head in his lap. He giggles finally setting the book down deciding to play with my fringe, and trace shapes into my face.

"We could," He shrugs. "It's your turn to plan something, babe."

I practically melt at the pet name. He's just recently started using them too, and he is a lot more comfortable being in a relationship. We still haven't said I love you yet, but I think I might actually say it soon. I kind of wanted him to make the first move to say it.

I know that some couples don't necessarily celebrate month anniversaries after their six month, but this is eight months! Do you realize how close to a year we are? It's not like we celebrate every month.

May 28th I will be graduated, and he will be out of school around the 13th. So we will both have been out of school for a few weeks. "I am going to get a tattoo," I announce. Harry smirks his hand going to my inked skin. "It's going to be the number 28."

"Why?" He makes a face at my tattoo choice. I chuckle seeing him not understand why I want that as a tattoo.

"Because we officially got together on September 28th," I smirk. He makes an 'o' shape with his mouth.

"I like that idea," he smiles widely.

Harry's gotten a bit more ink, just more when ever he gets money, or I offer to pay. He continues to run his fingers through my hair pushing it back out of my eyes. "This would be a good look for you."

"My hair pushed back?"

"Yeah. Like styled up. It's so hot," he smiles.

"Make you a deal. I'll style my hair up, but only if you grow yours out," I say holding up my hand for a handshake.

"Okay deal," Harry smiles shaking my hand. My hand drops to my stomach our fingers intertwining.

Days like this are nice, when I can spend time with my boyfriend, and not worry about- my phone buzzes. I pull it out growing annoyed.

End Of The DayWhere stories live. Discover now