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I wake up to the sound of voices in the kitchen. They sound angry. "Zayn what the fuck?! Mum said no friends! No boyfriends either!"

"Donyia, Mum isn't here. What she doesn't know won't hurt her! You had what her face over last weekend!" Zayn says.

"She's my best friend!"

"Bullshit! My bed is right up against the wall I heard every damn thing!"

I snicker, but someone else does too. I see Niall is up as well smirking. He puts his finger to his lips as a single for me to be quiet. "What?"

"Donyia I'm just saying is I have serious dirt on you, and if you tell Mum that I have my hungover friends over-" the sentence stops.

"Are you seriously blackmailing me? That's a low blow Z," the girl, Donyia, says. Niall gets up waving me to follow him, and we both walk into the kitchen.

"Hey baby!" Niall says cheerfully. "What's going on?"

"Zayn is suppose to be grounded until Mum got back, but apparently he likes breaking rules!" Donyia says. I linger near the door way.

"Don't start with that bull! You have been breaking rules too! And at least I have the sense to keep my mouth shut while I'm being sucked off!" Zayn snaps. Niall slaps Zayn's arm making Zayn shrug.

Then we hear a groan, then a oh God, and then feet running to what I assume is the toilet. I sigh knowing it's Louis. "Uhm sorry to interrupt, but where is your medical cabinets?"

Niall walks over to a cabinet pulling out a bottle of Advil handing it to me. I help myself to fridge to get a bottle of water. Then I make my way to the bathroom, and tap on the door lightly. "Lou?" I ask. "It's me."

"Oh God!" He groans again. I push open the door to see Louis heaving into the toilet on the tile floor. I set the pills and water on the sink, and sit on the bathtub rubbing his back. "Never again," he whispers.

I make a face. I get up looking for a washcloth then put it under warm water for him to wipe his mouth. "That's why I don't drink!" I say.

"Please not so loud," he huffs. I roll my eyes popping the cap of the pill bottle. I hand him two pills and the water bottle. "Are we at Zayn's?"

I nod. "You look like shit," I say softly.

"And he curses. I'm honored to be the one that is on the receiving end of that curse," he says. He gets up washing his face in the sink then uses mouth wash. I want to ask him about last night, and him advancing on me. I don't think he remembers. "Okay let's go out there."

We walk out to meet the others. Everyone in the kitchen eating some sort of food, I'm not familiar with it, but it looks good. "How's your head Lou?" Liam smirks.

"Fuck you, fuck off, and fuck yourself," Louis grumbles sliding into a chair. I slide into the one next to him. Zayn sets two plates down in front of us, and I honestly have never seen this kind of food.

"I'm Pakistani," Zayn says. "It's a breakfast my Dad used to make."

"Looks good."

Louis smiles nudging me to take a bite. Which I do, and you know it isn't half bad.

"I'm going to go wake the girls," Zayn says. I raise my brows toward Louis.

"Two more sisters," Louis answers rubbing his head.

Soon after we all finish eating breakfast we all are watching the telly in the living room. Louis resting his head in my lap, and some how my fingers found their way to massaging his scalp. "Dude Louis half asleep," Liam laughs.

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