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Early update because tomorrow I have a concert/project to do with my church which involves me with singing with my youth group band. So I will be getting up at 7 a.m. and be singing and remembering my small solos all morning and also helping set everything up, and getting myself ready all morning. Then all afternoon be busy until probably nine pm and then I have to do my summer homework and finish that up.


Early update! Maybe if I find time and wifi tomorrow I'll update.


Harry and I sit on the sofa my hand on his thigh under our shared blanket. Lottie and Fizzy sitting at the end of the sofa by Harry and I's feet. The twins laying on the floor watching the telly intently as the characters dance across the screen.

"Louis," Harry hisses shoving my hand further away from his upper thigh. I may have been inching my hand toward his crotch. "Your sisters are right there," he whispers. I glance at my sisters seeing they are all focused on the screen.

"They aren't paying attention," I whisper back continuing to inch my hand up his thigh. He only pushes it away.

"Later," he hisses.

I sigh loudly leaning a bit more into Harry taking my hand out from under the blanket resting them on my lap. I glance toward Harry as he watches the film, a Disney classic; Beauty and the Beast, not my personal favorite, but it will do. The girls happily sing along to the songs, and Harry hums along. He's just so freaking cute.

Is it weird that I can picture us a few years from now in our own flat, and doing Harry Potter and Disney marathons? I can picture us running around our own flat happily screaming lyrics of song, and dancing like nobody in the world will ever know.

I can see it all.

I want it to happen.

December 31

New Year's Eve

sorry for the time jump


"So this is Harry and I's game plan," I say plopping on my Mum's bed as she tosses out different items of clothing. "We are going over to Niall's, from there we are going to Austin's he's throwing a major party. Then Harry and I might go to town to see the fireworks, and then probably go back to Niall's to stay the night," I say laying out my plan for tonight. Mum mumbles something I didn't quite catch. I sigh. "What?"

She turns around. "I said sounds lovely, sweetie. Be careful and watch out for Harry," she smiles turning to her closet. I sigh loudly again.

"What are you looking for?" I ask.

"Something nice to wear," she says picking out a nice dress tilting her head to the side. "Dan is tagging along with the girls and I."

"Oh," I say adjusting my joggers playing with the drawstring. "Why not a pair of nice jeans with a nice blouse? Speaking of the girls; Lottie wants to go watch fireworks with a few of her mates," I say still fiddling with the string. Mum sighs chewing on her lip staring at her pile of clothes.

"Is that older kid going? Mitch?" Mum asks. I nod. "I don't like him hanging out with Lottie."

"I agree," I say nodding glancing toward the door. "But she's twelve and I trust her to make the right decisions."

"I trust her!" Mum huffs. "It's him I don't trust, and anyway since when did she start having guy mates?"

I snicker because Mum did the same thing when I decided to have girl mates, but little did we know she had nothing to worry about. She puts her hands on her hips staring down at her feet again, and then nods. "Okay maybe I'll let her meet up with them," she says.

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